Traces of Love

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"I'm so glad you're back!" you squeezed Bucky tightly around his waist. 

"Me too" He chuckled lightly. 

Bucky had just gotten back from a 2-week long mission, and you were excited to spend some time with your boyfriend of four months. 

It was new for you both. You had met Bucky at a bookstore and hit it off when you both reached for the same fantasy book, and you got to talking. You knew who he was, going out on missions with Sam, the new Captain America but you never minded his past or what he does for a living.

Bucky had told you all about his past. You knew some of the things he did in his past from reading about him online, but some things he told you about weren't common knowledge. You were happy he trusted you enough to talk about things from his past with you. 

You learned all about Steve Rogers and their friendship, the Howling Commandos, and what life was like back in the day, and you found it all fascinating. You never pushed Bucky to speak about his history. He had a therapist he was ordered to see, and as much as he grumbled about it, you thought it was helping him. The only thing that bothered you was the fact that Bucky had a hard time expressing his feelings. 

Sure, he would smile and joke with you, but sometimes, he would be quiet and distant. Whenever he did this, you knew he was thinking about his past, or Steve, so you usually left him alone when he was in one of his funks. You would only check on him every so often to see how he was, not bothering him or demanding to know why he was a little distant. 

He battled through his thoughts, and you were by his side every step of the way. He was grateful he found you and you gave him a chance. He just wasn't the greatest at expressing his feelings. You knew he struggled with them, but you didn't push him or expect him to blurt out what he was feeling, he just wasn't the type to do so.

"Miss me doll?" he teased while he walked into your apartment. 

"Of course, you silly goose" you rolled your eyes at him. 

He smiled wide at you. 

You always missed him when he would go on his missions. 

Sometimes he could tell you about them, but more often that not, he couldn't talk about them due to the secrecy of them. Those were the missions you hated, the secret ones, but you managed. 

You checked him over for any signs of injury, patting him down and lifting his shirt, making him giggle a little. The fact that Bucky Barnes would giggle uncontrollably when you touched him in certain places made you chuckle to yourself. 

"I'm not injured sweets" he told you. 

"But I don't mind you feeling me up" he winked at you making you blush. 

"I know, I just like seeing for myself" you squeezed his sides and he chuckled.

"Come on, I have supper ready" you walked to your kitchen with Bucky following. 

You sat and ate and told him about all the things you did while he was gone. You were a schoolteacher and taught high school and were always telling Bucky stories about the kids nowadays. 

Bucky told you a few stories about him and Steve in school and you chuckled at their antics. You were thankful the kids you taught were a little older than some of your friends who taught the younger kids, mainly the kindergartener's. You shuddered at their horror stories and were glad you didn't teach them. 

Bucky was always in awe of the kids nowadays and what they could and couldn't get away with. 

"So, I sent him to the principal's office because he wouldn't put his phone down after I asked him three times. His mother called me asking why her son was in the principal's office, and I told her why. She didn't believe me that her son wouldn't listen, so the principal had to get involved. I swear some parents nowadays are ridiculous" you shook your head. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now