You're Mine

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Bucky A/U

Mafia Bucky mixed with a "touch her and die vibe?" Yes please! Oh, and Steve is kind of a dick in'll see (or read I should say)...

"Hey Nat" you called to the head housekeeper while you dropped your bag down onto the large kitchen island. 

"Morning Y/n" she waved over her shoulder. 

You started prepping the kitchen for the day by making coffee in a large urn and got a small tray of cream and sugar out while the coffee did it's thing. You looked over your menu board for the week, adding and removing some things while you looked through the large fridge and pantry.

You were a private chef, working for a few families over the years, but were tired of how you were treated by the bored spoiled housewives and their bratty kids who always seemed to be on weird diets or claimed they had 'food allergies' when they were just picky. 

You were looking for a way out when you spied an ad online for a private chef. Intrigued, you applied and were immediately asked to come for an interview. 

Sam interviewed you and hired you after you made him a delicious baked chicken and potato dish. He ate it up within minutes and asked for seconds, you knew you had won him over. 

Sam offered you four times your current salary, a free apartment on site above the large garage, an unlimited food budget, and full benefits, but there was a catch. Anything you witnessed or heard was kept strictly confidential. 

You had to sign an NDA, and anytime you left the property, you had to have an escort. 

Seemed a little weird, but you eventually found out why.

You had no idea who Mr. Barnes was. 

For the longest time, you just assumed he was some reclusive filthy rich businessman whom you cooked for and lived at his estate, but you quickly learned he wasn't. Mr. Barnes was mafia. Not just any mafia, but THE mafia. Head cheese. Head honcho. Big man on top and you were working for him. 

It made you uneasy at first, but you quickly got over it. 

After all, you were only there to cook, nothing else which is what you did. You should have figured it out sooner. Between the number of guns and weapons you were surrounded by, combined with the different men who came and went (some you never saw leave), and the round the clock security, it kind of made sense.

When you first arrived for your job, you made quick friends with Nat the head housekeeper and she filled you in on the goings on of the large estate. You've never once felt threatened, scared, or concerned with your job or life as everyone keeps to themselves and Mr. Barnes' men don't stop and talk to you or even make eye contact with you, apart from Sam, and Steve as everyone usually leaves you alone to do your work, which you are more than grateful for.

It took you six months to stop blushing and shaking whenever you were in the same room as Mr. Barnes, making you feel like a complete ninny. 

The man is handsome as hell when he is out of his office. Tall, dark hair that is neatly trimmed, ocean blue eyes, slight scruff on his chiseled face, broad shoulders that taper to a small waist, and tattoos that cover his body, he is intimidating to say the least. He always wears expensive all-black suits that are perfectly tailored to his body but just once, you would like to see him in a pair of jeans, or even a pair of sweatpants, but your wishes never come true. 

He rarely speaks, but when he does, everyone stops to listen. You hear him yell occasionally, but his anger is always directed towards his men and never you or Nat which you are thankful for.

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now