Duke of Brooklyn

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Bucky A/U

"I can't believe you're going to wait in this big ass line for a book" you friend Nat rolled her eyes at you then yawned. 

It was early for her, but you didn't care. 

"Shut up Nat. It's not just a book, it's the last book in the series. The Duke finally marries the love of his life! I can't NOT get it, especially when the Duke of Pinebury finally gets his happily ever after" you swooned a little. 

Your favourite author just released her last book in her Duke of Pinebury series and you were currently standing in line waiting to grab your copy of it. Of course, you pre-ordered your copy, along with the other 30 ladies in front of you, but you didn't care if anyone judged you. 

You had plans to spend the weekend with the dashing Duke and to finally see him marry and live a happily ever after life he so deserves.

None of your friends understand your obsession with regency romance novels. You read them like they are addicting crack to you, sometimes forgoing parties, and birthdays to spend an evening lost in a world you only had ever dreamed about seeing. 

You love a good romance story that has a dashing main male character who's tall, dark, and handsome. Rakes getting themselves into trouble were your favourite to read about, but stories that had reformed rakes who chose the simple girl no one would ever look at twice for, well, they just did something to you. Add in some forbidden smutty scenes, elegant balls, pretty gowns, and the odd duel, you were instantly addicted from the very first book you bought.

"I can't wait to read it!" you were bouncing up and down, smiling wide. 

Nat rolled her eyes. She looked at the large display of your favourite author's books and shook her head. 

"Where do they find these people?" she asked. 

She picked up a book and scrunched her nose at the cover. It was the first book in the series showing the Duke on the cover. He was standing proudly next to his large estate with a dashing lady at his side. He was looking down at her ample bosom and they looked windswept and in love. Of course, it was cheesy as hell, it was a romance book, but there was something about the Duke on the front of the book that caught your eye when you first decided to buy it. 

He was tall, with dark shoulder length hair that was coming out of it's tie from the wind, he had clear blue eyes, soft, full lips, his white shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his broad chest, and his thick arms easily encircled the lady on the cover. It made you want to melt into his arms so he could sweep you off to his bedchamber. 

You later found out after reading the book, the cover depicted him holding Lady Amelia, who was his betrothed, who later died of the flu, causing the Duke to turn into a bit of a roguish rake at the end which in turn were made into more books about his escapades in the series.

Nat placed the book back and chuckled. 

"Not like these kinds of men exist in real life" she snorted. 

"Well, someone had to model for the cover. I mean AI can only do so much, they need a real man to start with" you shrugged. 

You would literally melt on the spot if the real-life Duke of Pinebury stood in front of you in all his Duke glory. He was so handsome and dashing, the stories always made you swoon and melt when you read them. 

The Duke on the cover of the books fit so well with the authors description of the character, it was amazing.

"Go and get your copy" 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now