Coffee Conundrum

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"So that'll be $4.95" you said, taking the $5 bill you were handed. 

"Keep the change" the customer smiled. 

"Thanks" you put the change into your measly tip jar and smiled. 

Every bit helped. 

She walked out and you wiped the counter down. It was another busy morning at the coffee shop, and you were tired. Having to start at 5am was hard on your system and was catching up with you.

You had started working at the coffee shop down the street from your apartment as you desperately needed a job because...bills. You were one of many who were let go at your corporate job and you needed to find something to tie you over until you could take some time and search for something you really wanted. 

This would have to do for now. 

You weren't the greatest at making life changes and going from a steady Mon-Fri 9-5 job to shift work, evenings, and weekends was a little hard for you, but you managed. Your boss Derek was kind of a dick, but at least the head barista Jen was nice. 

She trained you on the till, small bakery case, and everyday cleaning tasks and you managed to pick those up no problem, but the scary espresso machine, steam, foam, milks, and coffee bean grinding somewhat scared you. You could get the froth down, but you struggled with the ratios and the syrup pumps and making any kind of fancy coffee, but you were trying. Jen reassured you it took her a while to get the hang of things so that made you feel somewhat better with things. You studied the coffee recipes and steps, but you still seemed to struggle. 

Basic black coffees, and small flavour shots were fine, but if anyone came in wanting some weird gigantic order involving froth, foam, and more than one kind of syrup pump, you were stumped.

You were re-filling the small bakery case when you heard the door open. 

"Hello" you said, standing up from behind the counter. 

It was one of the "regulars" Jen told you about that you recognized. He was tall, dark hair, bright blue eyes, and was a little broody. 

"Coffee, large, black" was all he said. 


 You were relieved his order was always the same, basic. 

You liked basic. 

You could do basic. 

"Nice day out there today" you smiled, pouring the coffee in a to-go cup. 

He just nodded and shrugged a little. He was alone today. Sometimes he was with a man named Sam, but today he was alone. 

"Here you go, that'll be $2.95" 

"Here" he gave you a $5 and walked out. 

"Thanks" you called after him. He looked back and nodded, then left. 

"Was that the freakishly handsome grumpy guy?" Jen asked with a chuckle. 

"Yup" you popped the 'p' and rolled your eyes. 

"Was he with anyone?" she asked. 

You sensed she liked his friend. 

"Alone today" you looked at her. Her shoulders seemed to slump a little. You smiled. 

"Someone has a crush" you teased while she fumbled with a stack of cups. 

"No" she blushed while she re-filled the station. 

You smiled and served the next customer.

"You got coffee without me?" Sam pouted. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now