Sugar and Slice

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Bucky A/U - CEO / Businessman Bucky

"So that'll be $21.75" you said to the lady who stood on the opposite side of the counter from you. 

"Here you go" she tapped her card on your reader, thanked you, and left your shop.

"What did she end up getting?" Wanda asked, carrying in a tray of baguettes. 

"Two brownies, a dozen assorted soft baked cookies, a loaf of honey bread, and six fruit tarts" you smiled. 

"Yes! See, told you the honey bread would sell" she nudged your shoulder. 

"Yeah, yeah" you playfully rolled your eyes at your baking partner and bakery co-owner Wanda.

Your bakery Sugar and Slice was in an old rustic area of the city. And by old and rustic, it was kind of in a sketchy dump area, but you were ok with it since the rent was cheap and because of that, the space you had was huge. The area was undergoing a "Revitalization" according to your real estate agent Sam, who suggested the space. That was almost a year ago, and the area was still a dump and Sam is a big fat liar. 

"I just wish more businesses would open around us. I mean the used car dealership across the street brings in some decent walk-in traffic, but there are lots of boarded up storefronts on the other side of us. It's sketchy as hell around here sometimes". 

Wanda looked out the window. 

She wasn't wrong.

You did a reasonable amount of walk-in traffic, but your bread and butter were your online ordering and delivery service. Not a lot of people liked venturing to the sketchy part of town, and you kind of agreed with them, hence the online ordering system you set up.

"Can you watch the front? I have another special order in the oven ready to come out that needs to go out today" Wanda said. 

Wanda handled the breads and pastries of the bakery while you handled the cookies, cakes, slices, and anything that didn't require bread dough. You were terrible at baking anything with bread dough, which is ironic since, well, you own a bakery, but Wanda is a master at it, so she handles that part for you. You met her while you were both in the baking program at your college and have been friends ever since.

"Sure, thing Wanda. I was going to clean out the other display case so it's clean and ready for the weekend." 

She waved over her shoulder while you grabbed a cloth and bucket. You proceeded to empty out some of the trays and get to cleaning.

You were in the cleaning zone when you heard the bell on the door jingle, signaling you had a customer. 

"Be right there" you called from behind the case. 

No one replied, so you got up and straightened your apron to investigate.


Sometimes the door would jangle if there was wind, but it wasn't windy today. 


You went to turn around when a voice caught you off guard. 

"What do you recommend?" came a deep voice from behind the counter. 

"Holy, God!" you jumped, clutching your chest in panic. 

The man who startled you snickered and smirked. 

"Not God sweets. Although I have been called that a time or two in private" came the dark gravely voice of your new customer. 

Your face went red. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now