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A/N - I don't know about anyone else, but ASMR helps me to relax a great deal. God knows I've needed it over the past few weeks as work has been insane! If anyone doesn't know what ASMR is - it is short for autonomous sensory meridian response; a term used to describe a tingling, static-like, or goosebumps sensation in response to specific triggering audio or visual stimuli. For me it's hair brushing, back scratching, and certain sounds that really relax me. I always wondered what Bucky would do if he discovered ASMR...

"Hey Bucky!" you waved over at your mission partner who grunted at you in response. 

"Ok" you said to yourself and sat down at the kitchen table.

You both had just returned from a three-day mission, so you had a few days off to de-brief. The mission wasn't too crazy, but there was a hostage situation you had to diffuse as well as some gun fight. Nothing the two of you couldn't handle. 

"Mission go, ok?" Steve asked sipping from his "World's okay-ist Avenger" coffee mug Tony got him last Christmas. 

You looked over at Bucky who gave a slight nod. 

"It was fine. No issues" you shrugged. Which was the truth.

"Good. So, you have some time off then?" Steve placed his coffee mug down and you nodded. 

"Thank god. I'm kind of tired. We've had back to-back-to back missions, and I could use the break" you let out a sigh.

"What are you up to with your time off Buck?" Steve looked over at his friend. 

Bucky shrugged and went back to his book. Usually, after missions Bucky would read and want to be alone. The fact that he was in the main living area of the dorms was a slight surprise to you. You looked over at your partner and smiled lightly. You liked to think you know him well. You can tell when he's tired, grumpy, or in a teasing mood and he can do the same with you.

"Well, I should head out. Last minute mission with Sam." 

Steve got up from the table and patted you on the back before he left. 

"Later Buck" he waved to his friend. Bucky nodded and turned another page in his book.

"You sure you're, ok?" you quietly asked Bucky. 

He looked up from his book and smiled. 

"I'm good" 

"Ok. See you later then". 

You walked to your room to respond to some emails and to throw a load of laundry on. Ah, the glamourous life of a field agent.

Later that night, you had a hard time sleeping when you decided enough was enough. You flung your bedding off you and proceeded to head to the kitchen to find something to do. Not a lot of people were around as there were active missions going on, but you never minded the quiet.

You wandered into the kitchen and went to the fridge, seeing what was available to snack on when you heard a throat clear behind you. You know that voice. You closed the fridge and smiled. 

"Can't sleep either?" you asked Bucky. 

He stood in the kitchen in his plaid pajama pants and grey t-shirt. 

"No. Thought I'd find something to eat" he shrugged. 

You stepped aside from the fridge and waved him to it before you sat down at the island. You watched him rummage through the contents and come up with an apple. He wandered over and sat in the chair next to you.

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now