A Very Happy Birthday

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SMUT - there's smut in this story with Steve. He watches but gets his own happy ending....hehe Hey - it's my birthday and I figured why not go for it!!

"Happy Birthday dear Y/n, Happy Birthday to you!" 

You smiled wide and blew out the candles on your cake while everyone cheered. Today was your birthday and your fabulous boyfriend Bucky organized the party you were now standing in while everyone ate cake and wished you well. You aren't one for parties and prefer to be anywhere else other than in the spotlight, but Bucky insisted on having one for you this year. Even though you didn't want to have a party, you were happy you did since you got to visit with lots of agents you used to work with in your old unit.


Steve came up to you and nudged your shoulder with his. 

"Hey Stevie" you smiled at him. 

Steve was the only man Bucky didn't scowl at when they talked to you. Any time a male would come and talk with you wherever you were, and Bucky was around you, he would send them death glares. Sometimes he would stand by your side and wrap an arm around your shoulder or waist if he felt he didn't like the man getting too close to you. 

You called him out on it, but he always shrugged and said he was just making sure you were safe. 

Right, like you need to be safe in the facilities gym, or conference room, lab, or weapons lock up. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, but deep down, you kind of liked his possessiveness over you for some weird reason.

Come to think of it while Steve talked to you, Steve was around you more and more lately, which you never minded. He would join you and Bucky when you went out to breakfast or lunch, and you never minded when he would watch a movie with you both. You had been dating Bucky for over a year and a half, so you were over the 'honeymoon phase' of your relationship and didn't protest too much if Steve wanted to join, or if Bucky brought him along. 

It was nice Bucky and Steve were good friends as it gave Bucky someone else to hang out with if you were on missions or busy training. Bucky wasn't exactly the most social with people, but when Steve was around, it made Bucky happy. Sure, you still went out on your dates alone with Bucky, but you never minded when Steve would come along. 

It was just like having someone else along with you and you always thought, the more the merrier. Plus, Steve was a lot like Bucky, so it was nice having another man to help you out of a car, or hold the door open for you. Sure, you were perfectly capable of doing that yourself, but it was just nice having someone else do that for you.

"Did you have fun tonight?" asked Steve. 

He knows your hatred for parties and being the centre of attention. 

"Yeah, I actually did" you chuckled. 

Bucky was cleaning up when he looked over and smiled at you and Steve chatting. 

He was happy you liked being around Steve. His stomach did a flip flop though at what he had in store when he takes you back to your room after the party. He was so nervous; he almost spilled his drink down his shirt and fumbled with his plate of cake earlier in the evening. 

He's sure you're going to love his gifts.

"What did Buck get you for your birthday?" 

Steve turned to face you. 

You blushed hard. 

"He said he was going to give me my presents after the party in our room" your face was red as a tomato. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now