Just My Blood Type - Part 2

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A/n: Not going to lie, this part 2 kicked my butt. From all my books and stories, this is probably the most difficult thing I have published and I'm not even 100% happy with it. There's so many options in a story like this so that's why I was a hot mess with this because they each were unique. I had like four drafts all with different story lines and endings which gives an indication of how my head has been over the past week and a bit. Thankfully, I am not working crazy hours anymore so I can focus again. In any case, read away.

The italicized writing is still Bucky's thoughts.

You opened your eyes and let out a long sigh after having an amazing deep sleep. You must have been exhausted since you were still in your stinky work clothes. You stretched out and let out a sigh, content to have a few days off from work. You let out a soft groan then got out of your bed, making your way to your bathroom. 

You freshened up and grabbed your hairbrush to tame your unruly hair when you looked in the mirror and let out a small gasp. 

"What the hell?" 

You were staring at your neck. You moved closer to the mirror and noticed a small bruise and two small pin prick holes. You ran your fingers over the marks but shook your head and wondered how you got them. You had no idea what had happened, but they looked like two tiny spider bites. You brushed it off since it didn't hurt, wasn't itchy, red, or inflamed, so you left them alone. 

You wandered to your kitchen for some much-needed coffee and to plan for your days off, starting with finishing your crime documentary.

"So let me get this straight. You planned this for months, picked her up from the highway, brought her back to her apartment, drank some tea, told her about you, she freaked out, you panicked, bit her, compelled her, then left?" Steve asked. 

Bucky groaned. "Pretty much" 

"You can't keep compelling her Buck. This is the second time you've done this to her. Wiping her memories is just wrong. Her memories may surface and if they do, she's going to be mad and scared" 

"I KNOW STEVE" Bucky yelled. 

Bucky compelled you for the first time about a month ago. He met you before one of your shifts and talked with you outside the diner. He ended up blurting everything out, making you scared and frightened. You ran from him, but he caught you. He panicked, then compelled you to forget what he had told you. He changed your memory of you seeing an old neighbour and forgetting what he told you. He watched and when you came to, you were confused but shook it off and went back to the diner to start your shift. He knew it was wrong and felt bad about it, but he had to do something. 

"But you have access to her apartment? She invited you in?" 


"That's good. All I'm saying Buck, is careful. Try the old-fashioned way of dating her, get to know her. She'll probably come around more if she develops feelings for you. It may make everything easy when you finally tell her" Steve shrugged. 

"I know. It's hard. I don't want to wait" 

"But you should. I have a feeling it'll all work out" 

"I know" Bucky slumped in his chair.

"Are you coming out with us then?" Nat asked as she was signing off from her shift. 

You still had another hour left. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now