Boudoir Photo Shoot

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A/n - I've never done one of these but know a few people who have. There's no smut in this, but...towards the end, things get...a little hot...Enjoy.

"I don't know about this Nat..." 

You looked at the gift certificate you were holding in your hands that had big bold letters that read 'Complimentary Boudoir Photo Shoot Session'. 

You held it like it was someone's stinky sock. 

"Come on, it'll be fun for you. Live a little Y/n!" Nat nudged your shoulder. 

"Where did you even get this?" you asked. 

"I have my ways" Nat shrugged. 

Never mind. You really didn't want to know since you knew exactly what her 'ways' were for some things, so you left it alone.

"I know you want to. You're curious" she smirked at you. 

"I think it'll be empowering" Wanda added. 

"You think?" you asked looking at the piece of paper again. 

Wanda and Nat both nodded. 

"I don't know...I think I'll need to go shopping since I don't have anything to wear for it" you thought about it. 

"Shopping? Where and when?" Sam chirped when he walked in the kitchen. 

Steve and Bucky followed. 

Your face instantly went red with Bucky being there. Your crush on the man was growing by the minute and you usually sweated and turned red in his presence which was really awesome of your body to do that to you. 

Nat and Wanda knew your situation with Bucky and honestly, you think he figured it out because he teases you a little bit whenever he's around. He'll wink at you, tug on your ponytail, sit next to you and brush his hand over your arms and knees if he's reaching for something to see your reaction to him. It always unnerves you and makes those pesky butterflies fly. 

The sad part is, you're too chicken to act on your feelings.

"I got Y/n a photo shoot" Nat shrugged. 

You hoofed her under the table, and she bent over to rub at her ankle. 

"Ouch" She glared at you but smirked when she saw Bucky watching you closely. 

"Photo shoot? Does Tony need more lunch boxes with our photos on them or something?" Sam asked. 

"This one is a little...different. Just for Y/n and more...grown up?" Wanda added. 

"Grown up?" Steve thought about it, Sam and Bucky looked at each other and seemed confused. 

"We're going shopping" Nat blurted out. 

"We are?" you asked. 

Wanda and Nat glared at you. 

"Oh, right, we are." 

You have no idea what is going on. 

"Are you going to the mall?" Bucky asked. 

You looked over at him not sure how to answer since you wanted to avoid the glares from Nat and Wanda. 

"We're going to some place that has more...specialty items" Nat smirked. 

"Sex shop then?" Sam blurted out. 

Your face was flush like you just ran five miles in the hot summer sun. You saw Bucky watch you carefully before he smirked at you, like he was waiting to see your reaction. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now