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"Hey Bucky!" you waved at the imposing figure who stood in your office. He smiled and nodded while he grabbed a file from your co-worker. 

"How's it going today?" 


"Ooh, look at my plant, isn't it cute!" You pointed to your little succulent on your desk that sat in a small pot you got from a market. 

The pot said, "feeling cute, might die later" and it made you giggle when you bought it. 

Bucky wandered over and smiled at it. 

"So, got anything fun planned tonight?" you asked. 

He shrugged his shoulders. 

"I'm headed to the common room for open mic night here. Some of the agents think they're hilarious so I'm going to heckle them if they're not. You should come." You smiled. 

He gave you a polite shrug then left. 

"I don't know why you keep talking to him. He's not interested and could care less about you and what you do. He only walks up to you to be nice." Your co-worker and fellow agent Sara glared at you. 

You shrugged. You weren't going to let her rudeness get to you. Not today. 

"I know. But I like to think he listens to me" you shrugged. 

"He'd never be interested in you" she scoffed. 

You shrunk in your seat. You knew that it just hurt when someone else pointed that out. Whatever. You went back to your reports and smiled to yourself, glad you got to see Bucky.

You were a naturally talkative and bubbly person. Always positive and looked at the bright side of things. You constantly got into trouble with your teachers in school since they thought you were such a distraction to the other students. Your parents had a hard time dealing with you because you were so curious and outgoing. You'd approach anyone and have a full-blown conversation with them about whatever topic came to mind and you loved it. You were always so curious with what people's opinions were on things and you'd listen to them, putting your two cents in and you loved it. 

Your grandma always said you had the gift of gab, and you should use your voice for good, so you became a communications specialist with SHIELD. You would be a liaison between SHIELD and the press/media in your early days and you enjoyed every minute of it, but it didn't challenge you enough. Plus, you had to be on call all the time in case a member of the media or press had any questions or needed more information. You hated being woken up at 3am by the French media or having to work until 1am to speak with someone on the other side of the world. You liked your sleep too much. 

 You then moved to their archives and records department where you are now and haven't looked back. You still get to chat lots, but this time, you get to chat with the Avengers in person, still do office work, and be done at a reasonable hour, so you can't complain.

The following morning, you were working away on one of the last mission reports when you had to clarify something that happened. You looked at the name on the report and it was Sam Wilson. You found the Avengers schedule and saw Sam would be in a meeting room, so you wandered over to the conference rooms. Sure enough, he sat around the table and was chatting with Steve. 

"Um, hello?" you knocked on the door. 

"Agent Y/l/n." Sam smiled. 

"Hi Sam. I had a question on your last report" you showed him your tablet. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now