Stranded at Christmas

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A/N - I crammed as many "Christmas tropes" into this story as I could!!! This basically could be a Hallmark Christmas movie!! Enjoy!

"So we're stranded here then?" you asked the phone you had a death grip on. 

"Pretty much" Steve's voice sounded from the other end. 

"No jets are available, and the weather is bad from here to where you are" 

Bucky let out a groan. 

"Just stay there and we'll come and get you when this is all over"

"How long do we have to stay here?" you asked looking out the car window. 

"Dunno. Storm is a big one. From the visibility and size of it, maybe not for three or four days" 

"What?" yelled Bucky over your shoulder. 

You cringed at his voice. 

"So we'll miss Christmas at the compound?" you asked. 

Steve let out a deep sigh. 

"It's looking like it, but it won't be so bad you guys. At least you have each other?" 

Steve tried to help but you let out a huff. 


"Fine?" Bucky gasped. 

His stomach knotted with the information Steve was saying. He did not under any circumstance want to be stranded anywhere, especially with you, alone. 

"Well, what are we going to do? Fly home? In case you missed it you, and I both can't physically fly. Airports are closed, trains aren't running and I'm not driving another mile in this white out" you waved your hand out to the window of the car you were in. 

The streets were covered in snow and the wind was howling something fierce and travel was not advised. You had managed to find this small town on your way back to the compound and had to pull over to contact Steve to tell him about the weather.

Bucky was annoyed. All he wanted to do was get back to the compound, pour himself a drink, and sit in the dark. He hated surveillance missions with a passion of a thousand stampeding elephants and this one was long and boring, ending only a few hours ago. 

Bucky had to accompany you, the rookie, on your first surveillance mission and he wasn't happy about it. Well, he thought you were impressive, but he wasn't impressed he was out on a mission let alone it being so close to Christmas. A Christmas he was looking forward to for once in his life because of you. 

You were way to cheerful and polite for him, he wasn't sure how to handle you, but he secretly liked you. You seemed to be immune to his gruff and grumpy self and that only intrigued him further. Combine that with the training he did with you and now this mission, he was having a hard time staying away from you. 

He's just lucky you came across this small town on your way back instead of being stranded on the side of the road in a blizzard. The surveillance mission turned out to be a bust, you had to leave immediately, and Bucky was able to hot wire a car to get you out of there.

"Ok fine Steve. We'll check in with you in a day or so" you huffed out. 

"Good. There's an inn a few blocks from where you are." Steve's voice came through the phone. 

"Ok. We'll talk to you later Steve" Bucky nodded, and you ended the call. 

"May as well go to the inn" you said, putting the car in gear while it trudged through the snow, putting the failed mission behind you. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now