Avoidance - Part 1

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Bucky A/U - Hockey player Bucky!!

A/N - I'm back! Buckle up readers. This is part 1/4. I contemplated making this into a separate book, but I didn't. Too much work for me right now in my life and after losing my fur baby a few weeks ago, I just didn't feel like it, so it's being added here. I MAY pull it from here and turn it into a stand alone book, but I am not sure at this moment. You may want to feel like you want to slap Bucky in this first part, but it gets better, I promise.

"Hey, can you make sure there's more of those mini quiches and shrimp puffs to go out?" The server nodded at you and left to head to the kitchen. 

"For some reason we're going through appetizers like crazy" you muttered while scrolling through your iPad. 

"You copy that Nat?" you asked in your earpiece. 

"Loud and clear. The guests are something else tonight" she chuckled. 

"Yeah, this gala is a little rowdier than the last one, but I'm not complaining. Good thing I doubled up on the appetizers" you told yourself while deleting some emails. 

"Where are you anyway?" you asked Nat. 

"Front entrance, to the left by the coat check" 

"Be right there". 

You took off to the front of the gallery.

You had started your event planning business with your friend Nat when you both graduated from college. Your first few events were disasters, but luckily, you both stuck with it and powered through the first year, gathering contracts for some of the more prominent businesses in the city. Your best contract was where you found yourself tonight. 

The professional hockey team the Brooklyn Blades had signed your company on to be their exclusive party and event planner for all their needs during the busy hockey season. They held a lot of fundraising dinners, meet and greets, outdoor skating events, and anything in-between throughout the season and you and Nat planned it all.

You looked over the guest list again, looking at all the important names and celebrities listed. You smiled to yourself seeing as how Nat mentioned earlier you may get some new business from them. You were proud of yourself while you scanned the guest list for the evening. 

Your face went to a scowl as soon as you saw that name. It had taken every ounce of careful planning to avoid him at the events the team had. 

You avoided him like he was a disease. 

James 'Bucky' Barnes, starting assistant captain on the Blades and overall jerk ass. 

He was your ex-boyfriend. It was hard to see your future without Bucky by your side but then, those hopes and plans you both made were instantly ruined with his actions and what happened the night of his draft. 

You quickly shook those thoughts away while you approached Nat.

"Everyone make it then?" you peeked over Nat's shoulder at her list on her iPad. 

"Looks like it" she smiled and closed her list. 

"He's here tonight". 

Nat looked up at you. 

"I know. Scott tells me where he is, so I can avoid him" you huffed out. 

Nat rolled her eyes. 

"I don't know why you don't walk up to him and slap his face. I know I would" she grumbled. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt