Pumpkin Carving Contest

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"What are you looking at Y/n?" asked Bucky as he sat down and looked at your laptop screen. 

"Hey. Just some pumpkin carving patterns" you shrugged. 

You saved a few files you saw and continued scrolling. 

"Are you going to decorate the entire compound?" Bucky snorted. 

"No...well...not really. I just wanted to add a few around, for fun". 

"Seems like a waste if you ask me, and a lot of work" Bucky added. 

You bristled at his comment. 

"It is, but I don't mind. It reminds me of home. It makes people happy, and it's festive. Plus, there's a farm not far from here who will take the carved ones and give them to their animals as treats so it's a win-win all around" You shot back. 

Bucky felt bad he mocked you.

You saved a few more potential patterns because you were unsure of what kind of pumpkin you were going to get. Would it be short and squatty, or tall and skinny? Bumpy? Soft? You had to be prepared for anything. Bucky noticed you were on your phone texting and smiling to yourself. Who were you texting with? He narrowed his eyes at the screen and all it said was 'Kevin'. Were you seeing anyone? He thought you weren't, and you told him you weren't when you went out on a coffee date with him the previous day, but from the way you were smiling at the screen, his chest went a little tight. He liked you and wanted to go out with you more, but this made him worry. Your phone dinged a few more times and you giggled at the screen. 

Bucky rolled his eyes. 

Why is he being like this?

"Well, I'm off, see you" you waved at Bucky who nodded. 

Whoever this Kevin was, made you all smiley and Bucky didn't like it. You closed your laptop and took it with you while you left the room, with Bucky watching your every move.

"You know, if you want Y/n to go out with you again, that wasn't the way to go about it. You were being rude." Nat said from the kitchen. 

Bucky jumped, then scowled at her. 

"I wasn't being rude" he snorted. 

"Right, well, good luck with that" Nat shrugged leaving the room. 

Bucky frowned at her back and grumbled to himself.

You were Bucky's back up mission and training partner for the past few months; someone he could count on in the field and he was happy to have you. He thought you were strong, brave, funny, and beautiful. He looked at the upcoming mission calendar and noticed you were on a single 24-hour surveillance mission coming up in a day. He also saw how your schedule was blocked for Halloween, but he had no idea why since you never mentioned anything about it. The Halloween party was cancelled this year because Tony was remodeling the large lounge again, and he didn't want to have it outside of the compound, so what were you doing? Did it involve Kevin?

"God damn it" you muttered while the Bravo team leader patched you up. 

"This was supposed to be a surveillance mission" you muttered. 

"Yeah, but that went to shit when they opened fire on us" he said, fixing your bandages.

You were sitting in a café, keeping watch on your target, when out of no where, gun shots rang out, making you launch yourself up from the chair, hide under a table, and open fire on the targets. Gun shots, explosions, and fighting was happening all around you, the scene was chaotic, but you managed to capture your targets with no civilian casualties, so you were glad about that. But now? Your hands were bandaged, your shoulder in a sling, and your bicep was torn from the fight. You were pissed and in pain. Great. This was supposed to be surveillance and nothing else. You were going to have a word with the intel team about their 'lack of intel' while the jet you were on landed.

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ