The Recipe Binder

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A/N - I don't usually post anything close to my heart or too personal, but this one comes straight from experience. I guess it's a little sad, so sorry for that.

"So that's that. Next mission is in three days, reports will be sent out later today, so watch your inbox" Steve announced to the group. 

Grumbles formed from the room as he dismissed everyone. 

"You think you'll be on this mission?" Sam asked while you walked down the hall. 

"No, I don't think so" 

"Seems like you'd do well on it" he added. 

"I know, but I'm on leave for the day the mission starts and won't have the time to properly prepare" you replied. 

"On leave?" came the voice behind you. 

It was Bucky. 

"Yeah, I'll be away that day" 

"Everything ok Y/n?" Sam asked. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just personal Sam" 

He looked you over, almost trying to see if you were ok or not. 

"Ok, you let me know if you need anything then?" 

"Of course. Later Sam!" he turned down a hallway leaving you and Bucky alone. 

"What are you doing?" asked Bucky. 

Not him too. 

"Just a day off, nothing much planned." 

"Does Steve know?" 


Steve was the only person who knew your situation and was the one who encouraged you to take the day off. 

"Hmm" was all Bucky said. You had no idea what his issue is. 

"See you Bucky" you called, walking to your room. 

"Bye Y/n" he stood in the hall with a weird look on his face. He snapped out of it and went in search of Steve.

You had been on the team for almost a year when the day you dread every year was fast approaching. No one knew of your situation, but you felt you had to tell Steve. He would understand and you trusted him not to say anything to anyone about it. The day was almost here. The date forever burned in your memory and mind, and you just needed to spend some time alone with your thoughts, like you do every year. 

When you had asked Steve for the day off, he initially thought it may not be possible, with missions and training schedules, but he managed to make some adjustments and was able to give you a personal day for yourself. Only one day he cautioned you, but you were grateful for it and planned to spend it wisely.

"What's with Y/n's personal day?" Bucky asked Steve in the kitchen. 

Steve gave him a look as if to say drop it. 

"I can't say Buck. You can ask her, but I'm not sure she'll tell you" He shrugged. 

"She told you" He pouted.

"I'm her supervisor Buck. She has to tell me things" Steve patted his friend on the back. 

"I don't like it" Bucky frowned to himself. 

"You seem awfully invested in Y/n's day off. In fact, you've been around her a lot lately. You got a crush on her or somethin'?" Steve teased. 

Bucky's face went red. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now