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"You're going to the party, and that's final." His best friend said firmly, leaving no room for argument. Taehyung let his head hang lowly against his chest, attempting to make him feel bad for him.

"But chim, my favourite k-drama is on today! You know I can't miss that!" he just shook his head, glaring at him with little heat.

"Get ready, we leave in half an hour, and I know how long it takes you to get ready." he stepped out of his room with a sly grin, leaving him to lay down onto the bed with a loud groan.

Knowing jimin wasn't going to relent, he sat up, planning what he would wear. It was their friend Jin's party, and though they both loved him, both best friends found his parties...and him as a person rather eccentric. Difference was, jimin enjoyed that.

He walked over to his wardrobe, pulling it open and making sure nothing fell out. Matching a pair of black skinny jeans and a leather jacket, he added a glaze of eyeliner before walking out of the room.

Taehyung was usually one to care about his appearance, always wanting to look his best. Today though, he wanted to look extra perfect. Let's just say, jimin wasn't the only one with a conquest.

He walked into the kitchen, wincing as he saw his soulmate standing next to the counter. Much to his relief, she pulled away with just a cup a water, whistling at him when he saw his appearance.

"For someone that didn't want to go, you certainly tried to look nice." A momentary flash of realization flew across his face, leaving in its trail a smug smirk.

"So..." he started knowingly. "Who you trying to impress?" he smirked as he rolled his eyes, his guess proved correct.

"You know the bunny smile kid?" he replied simply, not wanting to give a name in case he didn't know who it was and then went to look for him. His small eyes widened when she made the connection, causing him to groan to himself.

"Jungkook" he said, though hus tone implied he already knew the answer. He nodded, conforming his question, before pushing passed him and out the front door. "Trying to avoid the topic bear?" he asked, slinking after him and into their car.

"No." he said indigently, shaking his head. "But he's not interested." he raided one perfect brow, disbelieving.

"How do you know?" he replied haughtily. In response, he smirked.

"Because if he was, I would have at least kissed him already." He replied, hitting the gas without saying another word.

Jimin chuckled as they drove out of their shared apartment and in the direction of Jin's house.

"Spin the bottle, spin the bottle." Jimin swayed, his petite body leaning into his boyfriend yoongi for support. Everyone cheered, too drunk to particularly care.

They all sat down into a semi-orderly circle, giggling. taehyung glanced over at jungkook from the corner of his eyes, eyeing up the man.

He was dressed in his usual attire, his hair tied up in a half tied pony with a side under cut..

( I hope you remember jungkook's hairstyle).

Obviously he too hadn't cautioned any restraint on the alcohol intake, grinning like a man and looking right at him.

In his drunken state, taehyung blushed and looked away, looking down at the spinning bottle.

It was jin's turn and he watched intently though not with complete focus on the methodically spinning bottle.

It started to slow and jin squealed as it landed on the brown haired, geeky boy. Joon ? Namjoon ? Nobody could even really remember, especially in their current state.

Jin leaned forward, crawling slowly in the terrified man's direction. He visibly gulped, eyes wide and only getting wider.

Like a lion he leapt, connecting his lips to his in a heated kiss. It went on much longer then inspected, the wolf whistles only egging them on.

When they finally pulled apart, his face was flushed and his covered in lipgliss stains. Giggling, Jin announced that it was taehyung's turn.

He chuckled leaning forward and flicking the bottle, causing it to spiral. They all watched it closely, jimin's grin widening when it landed on the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

Some small part of tae's brain was setting off a red alert, but he ignored it intently staring at jungkook . The man avoided his gaze, making him feel slightly as he moved towards him.

Suddenly their lip connected and all his pity disappeared as if it had never been. Jungkook gasped, taehyung catching it in his mouth as he pushed him back against the couch, straddling his lap.

The younger whimpered, though from pain or pleasure none of them knew. Taehyung finally pulled up for air, a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Come on jimin. We need to get you to bed." He glanced up as he heard yoongi's voice and the front door open.

Startled, he saw jungkook standing and staring outside. Walking up beside him, he watched the steady rain pour down heavily.

"You can stay here.".



It's the first part of a two shot...

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