Chapter Sixty-Six - Festivities

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The table was a beautiful piece, adorned with elegant plates and gleaming silverware

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The table was a beautiful piece, adorned with elegant plates and gleaming silverware. We were all there—Axel's family, friends, and a few important guests. The room was filled with lively conversations, laughter, and the gentle clinking of glasses.

Taking our seats, there was a moment of silence. The servers, in their sharp uniforms, moved like a well-rehearsed dance. Dishes landed on the table with a smoothness that was almost like magic.

Dominic King, positioned at the head of the table, raised his glass for a toast. His deep voice resonated through the room, expressing gratitude to the universe for the feast before us.

"Hey everyone, I want to start by talking about how lucky we are to be here together today. Look at this table full of good food – thanks, life! We worked hard, made smart choices, and now we've got all this."

He stopped his eyes going over to Axel and they softened before they turned to me and he gave me a nod, before going over to the rest of his family, Charlotte and his girlfriend, Lilly.

"But it's not just about the money and all the other materialistic things. It's about us being together – family, friends, and even those cool guests. Thanks for making my life interesting."

Next, he turned and lifted Alexa into his arms, sparking whispers around the table. Speculations buzzed about who she was and where she came from. Amidst the whispers, a bold suggestion surfaced—someone even mentioned that Dominic should consider a DNA test first.

Axel snapped his hateful glare towards the guest and the whispers died down immediately.

"And you know what's the best part of this year's Thanksgiving? Alexa Jones King. Just a few weeks ago, she wasn't even in my world. Life threw us a beautiful curveball, showing me this little bundle of joy that I didn't even know existed. Thanks to my son and this beautiful girlfriend, Chloe Jones for bringing her into our lives."

Everyone stared at me, not at Axel, their eyes dripping with an intensity that felt like judgment and jealousy entwined. The room buzzed with whispers, especially from girls around our age, making it seem like having a child with Axel had stirred up some hidden rivalry. I felt caught in the middle of their unspoken resentments.

"Now, every giggle from Alexa feels like magic. She's become the heart of my life, bringing smiles and laughter I didn't even know I was missing. So here's to my beautiful granddaughter, the newest and brightest star in my universe."

Love was Alexa's world. It wasn't just something she liked; it was something she craved. Being loved brought a big smile to her face, and she loved making others feel the same way. Every hug, every kind word – it all made her heart dance. Love wasn't just a feeling for her; it was the very essence of her being.

She spun around and wrapped Dominic in a tight hug, her face blushing with a hint of shyness. With all eyes on her, Alexa soaked in the attention from the room.

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