Author's Note

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Warning: I might curse.

Hey, everyone.

I hope you all are doing fine.

I just wanted to address something from the previous chapter for people who are bashing Chloe for her choices.

You have probably read the story “His Forbidden Entanglement” and you would know what happened to Chloe after Axel left.

I'm not sorry that she is not the sweetest little angel anymore. I wrote her the way I wanted to write her character.

She was a seventeen-year-old mother who stepped into this life without knowing what might happen to her, she had suffered a lot. She had also been SA by Andrew, not once but many times as I have mentioned in the chapters.

She had been living with these men for years now. So, it's natural that she learned from them, they practically groomed her. All the while her only concern was her daughter's safety. She'd go to any lengths to save her, some of her choices might not be smart but she is human and she makes mistakes, she didn't really have the luxury to live with a good role model. All she could learn was tricks and tactics to get her daughter and herself out of the difficult situations they were in.

Yes, she is manipulative and a liar but who wouldn't be when they have lived in such a vicious environment?

And for her behavior toward Axel, after everything that had happened to her if she had jumped into his arms then people would have started calling her a “weak heroine” or a “doormat” or “Stupid dumb bitch”

This is just the start of the story, you can not have character development, depth, or storyline, right from the beginning. It develops slowly over time. Her action and his action will slowly make sense as the story will develop.

I got into a fucking accident, broke my fucking arm, and still tried to update and write because I love it, it's my passion but I do other things as well. I can't spend my whole time on Wattpad.

As for the haters, Go fuck yourself. Don't read the book if you have so many problems with the characters or you hate them so much.

P.s. I love all of my readers, sorry if any of this offended you but I have had enough.

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