Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jason lunged at Ryder, Chase, and Marshall. He swiped the staff in front of him. Ryder and the pups jumped out of the way, letting Jason pass around them. Ryder looked at Chase and Marshall.

"We need to stop him here, pups," Ryder told them. "Use everything you have and know."

Chase and Marshall looked at each other and thought the same thing. They still remembered all of the Pup-Fu training from Sensei Yumi. Ryder learned how to fight from his father long ago. Even after his disappearance, Ryder continued training in case of an emergency where it was necessary. He hoped it never came to that, but it was better to prepare.

Jason turned around. "Stop me?!" he exclaimed. "You can't stop me." Jason knew it would be easier to go for one at a time instead of all three. He ran towards Ryder, tackling the boy to the ground.

But Ryder wasn't going to give in so easily. He pushed his feet into Jason's stomach. As they fell, Ryder rolled his weight and extended his legs. Jason flew behind Ryder. Ryder got up and tried grabbing the staff, but Jason intervened. He clasped it with one hand and Ryder's arm with the other.

Chase and Marshall saw what was happening. The spun in the air kicked Jason in the shoulders, making him lose his grip on both. Jason got knocked backward into the side of the walkway. The only thing that prevented him from falling over was the two-foot wall on either side.

Jason got up and got in a defensive stance. Chase and Marshall saw this as an opportunity to attack. They tried pouncing on Jason, but he was ready. Jason grabbed Chase by the vest and knocked Marshall to the side. Marshall flew over the wall, where Ryder caught him with one arm. Using some momentum, he threw Marshall back over the barrier.

While in the air, Marshall kicked Jason in the face, who was about to punch Chase. Jason let go of Chase and stumbled backward.

Ryder ran over to Jason and punched him in the gut. When Jason curled in pain, Ryder uppercutted him, knocking him down. Luckily, Jason was only three inches taller than Ryder, so he had no trouble doing this. Jason quickly stood up and wiped his nose. He looked at his hand and noticed that he was bleeding from his nose.

"Why, you little . . ." Jason didn't finish his sentence. He looked over to his left and saw a broken brick that fell off the wall. He picked it up and tossed it at Ryder.

Ryder rolled out of the way, and the brick flew into the river below. Ryder picked up the golden scepter. Jason tried to grab it, but Ryder sidestepped. As Jason passed by Ryder, he extended his arm and carried Ryder back a bit. Jason stopped, and Ryder fell backward.

The golden scepter fell out of Ryder's hand. Jason reached for it, but Chase was ready with his dart shooter. He shot the staff away from Jason, knicking his hand. Jason pulled his hand back, already feeling it numbing up. He knew that he would not win in a physical fight. The dart's effects were running up his arm.

Luckily, Jason thought, I brought a backup. As Ryder, Chase, and Marshall lunged at him, he rolled to the side.

When Jason got up, he ran to his suit jacket. Jason pulled out a black firearm. At first, Ryder and the pups thought it was a stun gun, but that was not the case.

"Enough!" Jason yelled. "You will not win. I will end you right here, right now."

Ryder, Chase, and Marshall stood still. They knew that one shot was fatal. But they also knew that Jason couldn't win. Ryder noticed the staff behind him no more than a foot away. He came up with a plan. First, he had to get Jason's guard down.

"Why do you want to rule so badly?" Ryder asked.

"Why?!" Jason asked, still pointing the gun at them. "Because I'm tired of being made a fool. No one ever believed in me. They thought I was too weak to ever amount to anything, but I will prove them wrong. If I have to enslave the entire planet, so be it. I am the future king!"

"A king without a crown," Marshall said.

"Or a suit jacket," Chase added. Ryder realized that they understood his plan and were trying to help. "Right now, you're just another crownless soldier."

Jason's face eased up as he realized he didn't have the crown. He lowered the gun slightly and turned his head enough to look at it. He didn't realize his mistake until it was too late.

Ryder grabbed the golden scepter and threw it at Jason's hand. The staff knocked the gun over the ledge. Jason, in a spit of rage, ran at him. Marshall winded up and kicked Jason in the stomach. Chase jumped up, spun in a circle for momentum, and kicked Jason in the head, knocking him to the side.

Jason hit the ledge with intense force. When he tried to get up, the Bricks let loose, and they fell off the wall, taking Jason with them. Jason screamed as he plunged into the cold, rushing waters below.

Ryder, Chase, and Marshall ran over to the edge. A couple of bricks littered the riverbed, but Jason was nowhere to be found.

"Did . . . " Marshall stuttered. "Did we . . ."

Ryder knew what he was asking before it came out. "We can't know for sure yet, Marshall," Ryder said in the softest tone he could muster. "Come on, the others might need our help."

"Yeah," Marshall said softly. He and Ryder slowly walked to the door.

Ryder realized Chase wasn't with them. He turned around to see Chase staring at the river. "Chase, come on," he called out. Chase didn't react. He continued staring over the edge, frozen in his thoughts. "Chase!" Ryder called out again.

Chase stirred back into reality and looked at Ryder. "Oh, uh, yeah," he said. "Coming."

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