Chapter Five

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Chase ran over to where Marshall was sitting. The Dalmation was taking to Katie when Chase arrived. "Hey, Chase," Marshall said. He noticed Chase's frown. "Something wrong?"

"Very," Chase said. "Come on, I'll explain somewhere safe."

"Safe?" Katie asked. "What happened? And if its not safe here, shouldn't we talk to Ryder?"

Chase looked around, to make sure no one was around to listen. He didn't want any more people to find out and create a panic. "Puissance is back," he explained. Marshall and Katie gasped at the anouncement. "He's working with some bounty hunter and captured Ryder and the others. They're coming into town to find the rest of us, so we have to get going."

"If they're in trouble, shouldn't we helped them?" Marshall asked.

"We can't if we're caught too," Chase replied. "Come on, we have to go." Chase sped off, and Marshall ran after him. They hid behind they're vehicles and watched from a distance.

Soldiers began interrupting the celebration. The music stopped and partygoers looked around in confusion. Soldiers set up a perimeter, forcing everyone to stay close.

"What's going on?" Mayor Goodway thought aloud.

"What's going on is we've arrived on orders by King Jason," the bounty hunter said as he walked around the corner of the building.

"Is that the bounty hunter," Marshall whispered to Chase. Chase nodded.

"My name is Trystan," the bounty hunter said loud enough for everyone to hear. "We're here for the Paw Patrol. King Jason ordered me to captured them all. Now, I never met any of you before, so I'll have to ask everyone. Where is the rest of the Paw Patrol. We got the boy, the bulldog, the mixed breed, the lab, the husky, and the cockapoo. If there are more mutts that form the Paw Patrol, you should save us the trouble and tell us right now."

Chase and Marshall looked at each other. They couldn't believe Jason escpaed prison.

No one at the party said anything. Trysta over the hostages and sighed. "Well, if you want talk, We'll do a sweep." He snapped his fingers and some soldiers entered City Hall. Others walked off to search other buildings. Chase and Marshall hid their heads as two soldiers passed by, glanced inside the cruiser, and kept walking.

"Lets check all the buildings," Trystan ordered to his men. He glanced up to the Lookout. "Check that tower?" he said. "That the Paw Patrol tower, right?"

"Its under construction," Katie lied. "No one is there."

"Is that so?" Trystan asked rhetorically. He looked at his watch. "Well, King Jason needs me to return today, so we'll have to skip it for now."

The soldiers checked all of the buildings, but couldn't find any pups. Trystan stayed near City Hall. A soldier ran up to Trystan as the bounty hunters was sitting on a chair, fiddling with a knife.

"Sir, no sign of any pups," the soldier said.

"Alright, then," Trystan said as he got up. "Time to head out."

"Yes, sir," the soldiers said as he ran off.

"Some bounty hunter," Katie mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Trystan exclaimed.

"I said 'some bounty hunter'," Katie repeated. "I thought bounty hunters weren't supposed to stop until they found their targets. I guess you're not a good bounty hunter."

Trystan's face turned red. "Not a good bounty hunter?! Who do you think told Jason where the Paw Patrol was? Who do you think captured the adult dogs long ago? I did all that." Trystan looked around. "Well, thanks for reminding me who was missing. The German Shepherd and the Dalmatian."

Katie frowned. She realized she gave up Chase and Marshall unknowingly. She looked at the pups in the corner of her eye. She felt bad for that.

Trystan called over a soldier. "Look for a German Shepherd and a Dalmatian. We need to find them before . . . " he didn't finish he sentence when a phone rang. Trystan pulled it out of his pocket and answered. "Hello . . . Yes, sir . . . Well, we still have . . . Yes, sir." He hung up and put the phone away. "Change of plans," he told the soldier. Continue with packing up. Jason wants us to return now."

"Yes, sir," the soldier said.

Trystan turned back to Katie. "We'll have to return on a later date. But don't worry, does mutts can't hide forever."

A row of black army trucks stopped in front of City Hall. In the middle of the row was a large cargo truck, most likely where the Paw Patrol was. Trystan walked over and got in the passenger seat of the first vehicle. He closed the door and the soldiers drove off.

Once the men left the city, Marshall and Chase walked up to Katie. "Sorry, pups," Katie said. "I talked back out of anger, and now that Trystan guy is coming back for you."

"Its okay, Katie," Marshall replied.

"We'll have to get to home before he gets to us," Chase added.

Mayor Goodway walked up to them. "This is terrible. The rest of the Paw Patrol has been captured. What do we do, Chase?"

Chase noticed that everyone was now looking at him. He could sense that they were all distressed and frightened. He had to do something to make sure they stay calm and safe. "Well, no one panic," he started. "Me and Marshall are going to do everything we can to bring them back and take down Jason."

"Just you two?" Katie asked.

"Maybe not," Chase said. "I have a plan." Chase and Marshall jumped into their vehicles and started the engines. They drove towards the Lookout. As they arrived to the Lookout, they noticed a white terrier flying towards them on a purple vehicle.

Sweetie parked right in front of the Lookout. She jumped out of her vehicle and ran to Chase and Marshall. "Hey guys," she said. "I need to talk to you."

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