Chapter Four

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*Present time*

Chase arrived to Town Hall before everyone else and closed off the road between the building an the beach. "Thank you so much for your help, Chase,"Mayor Goodway exclaimed.

"You're welcome, Mayor Goodway," Chase replied. He turned to his right and watched as the rest of the Paw Patrol drove up next to him.

"Good morning, Mayor Goodway," Ryder said. "We came early just in case there were any last preparations that you needed help with."

"Thank you, Ryder, but everything is done and ready. You can all relax until the party starts." The mayor walked away, leaving the Paw Patrol alone.

Little by little, people began to show up. The pups went there own ways to talk to those who arrived. Ryder went to talk with Katie (Two weeks after the events of Search For Loved Ones, they got together. It happened thanks to a comment on the last chapter of that book). Rubble went with Alex to the beach to build a sandcastle. Rocky and Zuma went to talk to Tracker and Carlos.

When Everest and Jake arrived, Jake walked over to Ryder and Katie, and Everest went over to Marshall's side and nuzzled him. "Hey, Marshall," Everest said.

"Hey, Everest," Marshall replied. "How have you been?"

"Really busy, but I'm fine with that," Everest said. "And you?"

"Honestly, not as busy. My parents visited a while yesterday, so that was fun."

"That's good," Everest exclaimed.

The sound of the bell ringing filled the air as the time hit nine o'clock. Everyone turned to look at the mayor, who was now standing on that stairs of the building.

"Hello everyone," the mayor announced. "Now that its 9 o'clock, the party will start now." Cheers from the party goers followed the announcements. "To celebrate, we will play games, dance, and eat. Some games include hide-n-seek, tag, tug-of-war, among others. Around eleven, we will start serving lunch to everyone. For now, have fun." Everyone except the pups clapped. The pups howled instead since they couldn't clap.

Chase looked at others. "What do you guys say that we go play?"

"I thought you would never ask," Marshall replied.

"Which game do you guys want to play?" Skye asked.

"I'm in the mood to play hide-n-seek," Everest said. "What about you guys?"

The three other pups agreed and walked over to the field. They watched as Rubble, Rocky, Alex, Zuma, Ryder, and Katie walked up to them."

"I guess we all plan on playing hide-n-seek, huh?" Ryder asked. "Well, not it."

"Not it," Everyone said except for Chase.

"Not . . . it," he said slowly. "Ah, guess I'm it, huh?"

Everyone laughed. Rocky ran over to his truck. He returned with a clean sock for Chase  to wear over his nose. Seeing the sock, Chase grumbled. He didn't like wearing the sock very much.

"Okay," he said. "I'll count to twenty while you guys hide."

Chase began counting as everyone sped off. When he finished began to walk around. Despite not having his sense of smell, he was still the detective pup.

Chase looked at the ground. The grass hasn't been cut in a while, so he could see where everyone else stepped from the pressed down grass. He followed the tracks around the yard. The first one he found was Marshall. Chase found him hiding in the under some flower bushes.

"Found you, Marshall," Chase said as he tapped Marshall's shoulder.

"Agh," Marshall said. "I thought this would be a great place because of your allergies."

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