Chapter Fourteen

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Chase crept over to the two soldiers. They were standing on either side of the front gates, facing the bridge. Chase looked around, making sure there were no other soldiers around. Luckily, most of the soldiers that were outside went after Solon's team.

"Where is everyone?" one of the soldiers asked. Chase quickly ducked behind the bridge wall to not be seen.

The other soldier shrugged. He pulled out his radio and spoke into it. "Group 2-A, what is your status?"

"We lost the retaliators," someone responded. "We are heading back now. Ten minutes out."

Chase understood that he had ten minutes before everyone returned to the castle. They had to act fast. He got right between them and quickly shot them both. He hid before they could see who did it.

The soldiers winced and looked down at their legs, then at each other. "Dude, why did you shoot me?" The first soldier said.

"Why did you shoot ME?!" The second one asked before they fell. Chase walked over to one of them. He figured that they could use the radios to know what is going on. He grabbed the radio and put it in his pup pack.

Chase ran over to the others. "Okay, the coast is clear, but we have to hurry. We have lest than ten minutes before the others return."

Together, they all ran across the bridge and went into an alley. They took a moment to catch their breaths. The Earl was having the hardest time. The Princess surprisingly was taking it easy considering she ran almost a hundred yards in heels and a dress. A few minutes later, they watched as the other soldier's groups began to cross the bridge.

"That's our cue to leave," Marshall guessed.

"Yup," Chase agreed. "Let's go to the safe house."

Thanks to Solon's directions. They walked through the streets towards the apartment building. They saw a few soldiers which they handled with ease. It didn't take more than a couple minutes to reach the meet-up zone.

The apartment building was nicer than Chase and Marshall imagined. The brick walls were painted white with no paint around windows and doorways. A garden growing some vegetables was to their left, and a small parking lot to its right.

The group walked up to the main entrance, where a soldier met them. "Welcome," the soldier said. "Please enter the elevator and go up to the fifth floor."

They thanked the soldier and walked inside. They went up the elevator and exited onto the floor. Immediately, they were taken back by how much was going on. The entire floor was stripped of walls its and roofs except for some in the back. To their right, men and women were moving crates of equipment around, making more space for more stuff. On their left, tables were placed in lines like a lunch area, where some people were sitting down and talking. In front of them against the back walls, a few tables were set. White boards covered the walls. Some had writing, others had drawing, but they were all full.

Solon was leaning over the center table looking at a map. He was saying something to the men around him. Sweetie was pacing around in front of the table. She turned and saw the Princess, immediately running to her arms.

"Princess," Sweetie exclaimed, "You're safe."

"Yes, Sweetie," the Princess said. "Me and the Earl both, both to sir Chase and sir Marshall."

"Yes, we are most grateful," the Earl said. "But with all respect, we must focus on stopping that retched man."

"Yes, of course, Earl. Thank you," the Princess replied.

They walked over to the table where Solon was. As they walked, the men and women bowed their heads in respect to the Princess."

"Princess," Solon said as he bowed. "I am happy to see that you are safe."

"Thank you, Solon," the Princess replied. "I was informed that you needed my help. Is this still the case?"

Solon frowned. "Sadly, yes. Unfortunately, we didn't meet up to hang out. I have a plan to take out the man of your throne, but first, we need to find the rest of the Paw Patrol first. Ryder will know the best way to get through with the mission, so rescuing them is our main priority at the moment."

Chase had moved next to Solon. "As for as we know, the team was split in two," he continued. "T-Rumble base and CL18 base.These are the names of the bases they are in."

Solon touched a button and the map in front of him formed heat signals around Barkingburg. "We have found five different heat signatures from his bases across town," Solon said. "I sent some men to check them our and they all are reported to look the same. We have no idea which bases we are looking for. That's where you come in, Princess."

The Princess looked at the map. "I know that T-Rumble base is right here." She pointed at one of the bases next to the forest. She looked across the map and pointed at the base on the opposite side of town. "And this is CL-18 base."

"Makes sense to choose the furthest bases from each other," Solon said. "We'll make two teams. Me and my three men will meet with Luna and her pack to check out the T-Rumble base. Chase, you will lead a team of Marshall, Sweetie, and some of my men to CL-18. We will hit them at the same time. We will have a tight opening, but it's our only one. Everyone understands?" Everyone nodded. "Good. Operation Fight For Family is on a go."

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