Chapter Twenty

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Solon led Ryders and the pups to the front of the base. They noticed that Ronan was watching over some zip-tied soldiers. Ryder realized there were only six soldiers, counting the one that Zeus pinned down and the unconscious soldier at the back gate, who made eight.

"Where are the rest of the soldiers?" Ryder asked. "At the first base, there were at least thirty."

"It was the same thing for us," Solon said. "But SFLO 20 only had ten soldiers. This one has eight. When my scouts checked this base out two days ago, it was packed with enemy soldiers."

"Where did everyone go?" Chase asked.

"I couldn't tell you, but my guess is either the castle or the FFF23 base."

One of the enemy soldiers chuckled softly, but Chase heard. He looked at the soldier. "Is something funny?" he asked. The others followed his gaze.

The soldier looked up at Chase. Ronan took off the soldier's headgear. He was clean-shaven with ruffled brown hair from the helmet. His features made him appear young, but his eyes seemed older, more conscious of his surroundings. His eyes shook like those of a cornered fox, not sure whether to flee or to attack.

"The king has plans for all of you. After hearing what happened to the first two bases, he called for soldiers to protect the castle, where he sits on the throne. Only a handful of soldiers were left at the other bases to distract you, more at the last base and on the streets. Hundreds of men wait for you from here to the castle. I mean, hey, I got you to stay here until the sun rises."

He was right. The sun began to rise over the horizon, leaving a faint orange glow in the sky. "Why are you telling us this?" Ryder asked.

"Because no matter what I say, you can't stop what the king has planned. Your morals hold you back. He will take the world in the palm of his hand."

"Why do you follow him?" Sweetie asked

"Because the world needs correction. I can be a free man again. Under his rule, the only law will be his. And you will all fall before him."

Ronan hit him with the butt of his gun, knocking him out. "I'm sorry, but he was starting to annoy me."

Solon ran the soldier's name from his uniform into the system. "Says here that this man was convicted of arson and assault. He must have escaped with Jason and the others."

Chase thought about what he said. "A free man again. Jason must have promised him out if he helped the king overthrow the Princess."

"Who knows how many others he tricked into following him," Ryder stated.

"So what do we do?" Marshall asked.

"We take back the castle," Ryder said. "He said that only a handful of soldiers are at the base."

"But what do we do about them?" Solon asked. "They may be a few, but they might still have some of our men locked up. I can go with some of my men and take it back."

"I will go with you," The Princess said.

"Then I will go with you, too," Sweetie said.

"Okay," Ryder said. "Me, Chase, and Marshall will go to the castle."

"My pack will assist you," Alpha Luna said.

"As will mine," Zeus agreed.

"Me and my group will go with you as well," Andrew said.

"Okay, but what about the streets?"

"We can handle that, Ryder," Skye said. Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, and Everest agreed.

"Alone?" Ryder asked.

"No, we will help them," One of the soldiers that they freed said. He turned around and looked at the others. "Ain't that right, men?" The other soldiers on the base shouted in agreement.

"Are you sure you pups can handle this?" Ryder asked.

"Ryder, we're the Paw Patrol," Rocky said. "As long as we have these collars around our neck, we will help anyone in need of it." He looked at Chase, who nodded approvingly.

"Okay, I trust you, pups," Ryder said. "But be careful."

"We will, Ryder," Skye said.

Solon spoke up. "Okay, everyone, you know your roles. Let's get moving."

Everyone began moving around. They grabbed weapons, loaded up on ammo, and did whatever they could to prepare. As they walked out of the base, Solon reminded them to use non-lethal force.

Ryder set up a plan for the wolves. "I need you and the pack to cover this area around the castle," he told Luna and Zeus as he pointed at the map. Set a perimeter on these streets. We can't give Jason a chance to leave the area."

"Understandable, but we have one problem," Luna said.

"What's that?" Ryder asked.

"We're wild wolves," Zeus said. "We have no idea what you're talking about when you point at this picture.."

"Oh, right," Ryder said.

"I could show them," Andrew said. "I can show them what you mean and then meet you at the castle."

"Okay, thank you, Andrew," Ryder said. Andrew, his team, and the wolves left shortly after.

As Ryder and the pups got ready to split ways, they said their goodbyes. "I'm so proud of you, pups," Ryder exclaimed. You showed me something that I always knew. You are all heroes. Together, we will send Puissance back to prison and save the kingdom."

"We won't let you down, Ryder," Rubble said.

"I know you won't, pups," Ryder said. He gave them each one last hug and walked out of the base with Chase and Marshall. It started with the three of them, and today, it will end with them.

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