Chapter Nineteen

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After Ryder contacted Solon, he returned to the group and told them the plan. "Okay, everyone," Ryder said, loud enough for everyone to hear. He waited for all the noise to quiet down before he continued.

Chase gave him the megaphone from his pup pack to help. Ryder stood on a crate so that everyone could see him. "We have three more bases and the castle to take back. And there is the king himself. From the plans from Jason's tent, we now know where the other bases are and that they are identical to this one. If they are, there will be as many enemies as allies. So, we will attempt the same strategy that Chase and his team used to get here. Except this time, Skye, Rubble, and I will go along with them. The rest of you will stay and return everything to normal."

There was a bit of murmuring coming from the crowd. "Ryder, sir," one soldier said from the group. Everyone's attention turned to him. "With all due respect, most of us don't want to stay back and wait. We want to help get rid of this madman." Others around the base began agreeing with him.

"I know you do," Ryder said. "But taking all of you that want to go will make us an easier target. We are more likely to be seen with the more people we bring. We also need people here to watch the men we have here."

The soldier thought about it. "I . . . guess that makes sense. But what if you need backup?"

"Then we'll let you all be the first to know. Until then, protect the base, watch the enemies here, check on your families if you have any in town, and patrol the city. If you're leaving the area, keep a low profile. Does everyone understand?" Everybody nodded. "Alright, then let's go."Ryder hopped off the crate and returned the megaphone to Chase, who was smiling at him. "What?"

"I'm just in awe at what a great leader you are," Chase said.

Ryder smiled and scratched behind Chase's ear. "Thanks, Chase," he replied. "Now, let's get going. We have about two hours before the sun rises."

Ryder and the others heading to the other base got everything they needed. Chase, Marshall, and Sweetie loaded up on darts, and Ryder got a hand-held dart gun. They met with Skye, Rubble, Andrew, and the two other soldiers who accompanied them at the main entrance.

"Everyone ready?" Ryder asked them.

"Ready," they said in unison.

"Okay," Ryder signaled to the soldier at the gate booth. The soldier pressed a button, and the gate opened up. As they passed through, she closed it again.

"Good luck," the soldier said. The group thanked her and moved on. Staying in alleys and between buildings, they found their way to the next base.

They peeked around the corner. They noticed that a single soldier guarded the back gate. Unlike the other base, this one had no towers. Chase launched a dart at the guard, knocking him out.

They rushed over to the gate, and Andrew unlocked it. They walked in and searched for the tent with the cells. Their suspicions were proven correct when they found it. All the allied soldiers from the R A T 20 base stood in the cells, bored out of their minds. An enemy soldier was facing the other way, so they took him out. Andrew found the key on him and unlocked the cells.

Ryder told the newly liberated soldiers of his plan. They agreed to help in whatever way possible. Ryder felt like everything was going according to plan until he turned around. He noticed an enemy soldier outside of the tent, staring at them.

Before anyone could do anything, the soldier pulled out his radio. "The prisoners are escaping," he called out. "The other dogs are here, too."

Ryder lifted his stun dart and was about to tranquilize him when the soldier turned to his right and opened his mouth. What would've been his scream got muffled by a white blur. The figure tackled him over and disappeared. Out of confusion, no one moved for a second. Then a man ran into the tent.

Out of instinct, Chase launched a dart at him before seeing who it was. The man quickly ducked out of the dart's way. "Woah," he said. "That was a close one, Chase."

"Solon?" Ryder asked.

"Oh, hey, Ryder," Solon said. "They got you out. That's awesome." They heard a thud outside of the tent. They all looked outside at what happened. As it turns out, Chase's dart missed Solon but made contact with a soldier behind him, who was now asleep on the ground.

"Huh, I guess you hit one of my soldiers, Chase," Solon teased.

Chase put away his dart launcher. "Sorry," he said.

"It's fine," Solon said. He pulled out his radio. "I got an unconscious ally by the fifth tenth on the right."

"On our way," someone replied through the comms.

"Wait, sorry to interrupt, but what are you doing here?" Ryder asked.

"Well, SFLO 20 got taken back, so we came here," Solon replied. "We hoped we would find you here. We have something to discuss."

Solon led them out of the tent. They looked to their right and noticed what the white blur was. On top of an enemy soldier was a large white wolf. He was completely white except for his pitch-black nose and obsidian eyes.

"Zeus?!" Chase asked aloud.

Zeus turned around to look at them. "Princep Chase," he said.

Chase looked at Solon. "The wolves are here, too?"

Solon scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah," he said, stretching out the word. "I thought you meant that a dozen would show, like last time at the academy."

"How many are there?" Marshall asked. They looked around and realized how many wolves there were. They walked around, guarded the entrance, and helped find the enemy soldiers.

"About fifty?" Solon guessed. "I'm not sure, but it's a lot. I only brought the Princess, Ronan, and five others."

"Wait, the Princess is here," Ryder asked.

"Yes," the Princess said as she walked. "I wanted to help take control back from the self-proclaimed king of my kingdom."

"Are you sure you're fine with this, Princess?" Ryder asked.

"Why, yes," she replied. "Chase thought so, too."

Before Ryder could say something else, three wolves walked up to the group. Ryder, Chase, and Marshall immediately recognized them. Alpha Luna walked in the middle with Solstice and Silverback.

"Hello, everyone," Alpha Luna stated. "I'm glad to see you all."

"Oh, and before I forget," Solon said. "Rocky, Zuma, and Everest are here?"

"They are?!" Marshall stated. He looked around. "Where are they?" Suddenly, Marshall felt someone push him over. He looked at who it was. It was Everest. "Everest!" he exclaimed. He got up and hugged her. "Thank goodness you're okay."

Everest let go, nuzzled him one, and greeted everyone else. She hugged everyone else. Rocky and Zuma did the same.

"So glad we're all back together, dude," Zuma said.

"Agreed," Rocky said.

Ryder pet them both on the head. "I do, too." He looked at Solon. Even though he was still processing everything since it was all happening very quickly, they had a job to do. "You said you had something to show me?"

Solon's smile immediately dropped. "Yeah, follow me."

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