Chapter Twenty-One

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Ryder, Chase, and Marshall walked toward the castle. As the sun began to rise, they had fewer and fewer places to hide from enemy soldiers. They had to tranquilize some of them so they couldn't notify the others. They were able to make it to the castle without too many complications. They watched the soldiers from an alley. Soldiers covered the entire yard. They also roamed the streets on the opposite of the bridge. There was no way they could get to the castle without being seen.

"What's the plan, Ryder?" Chase asked.

"I'm figuring it out," Ryder said. "There are a lot more soldiers than I anticipated. There must be hundreds of them."

A second later, Ryder's radio went off. "Ryder, we're all in position," Andrew contacted.

Ryder waited a moment before responding. "Okay, I got a plan," he told the pups. He picked up the radio and said, "Okay, wait for the signal. That's when you and the wolves will start going after the soldiers on the streets. That should give us three more openings to get into the castle."

"You got it, boss," Andrew said. "I'll let the wolves know. Andrew out."

Ryder put up the radio and looked at the two pups. They were staring at him, expecting to hear what to do next. Looking at them, Ryder felt a wave of mixed emotions. He felt proud of the pups for all they did. They were just small dogs, barely learning how the world works. And yet, they were getting ready to face off against a megalomaniac and his army.

But at the same time, Ryder felt a sense of guilt. He often wondered what life would be like if he never took on the role of the Paw Patrol. What if Ryder lived an ordinary life with his pups and his parents, leaving the rescuing to others? He didn't realize it at first, but since the Paw Patrol came to be, Ryder had always put extensive pressure on the pups, especially Marshall and Chase.

Ryder reminded himself that his pups were not ordinary. Through thick and thin, they have pushed themselves. They acted with bravery, courage, and intelligence only found in heroes. No matter what happened, the Paw Patrol always tried to do the right thing. They were born to be the Paw Patrol.

"Here's the plan," Ryder said. "We need to find a way to enter the castle. Puissance is most likely on the throne. If we can cause a distraction, the others will move in and push away the soldiers to let us pass."

"What kind of distraction did you have in mind?" Chase asked.

Ryder looked at the scene in front of them. He pointed at the bridge. "How many guards do you see there?"

"Three guards in the middle," Marshall replied.

"Three of them, three of us. If we can time it perfectly and hit all three simultaneously, they would fall together. Other soldiers will check on them, making the others anxious. That's when the others will take the chance to go against them."

"That's a great plan," Chase exclaimed.

"Yeah," Marshall agreed.

"Thanks, pups," Ryder said. He noticed someone turning the corner of the building and looked at them. It was one of Puissance's soldiers. He pulled out his radio to notify the others, but Ryder quickly stopped with a dart to his neck.

The soldier, feeling the effects immediately, fell onto a roadside bench and fell asleep. Another soldier walked past him a second later, not noticing the dart, Ryder, or the pups. He looked at the sleeping soldier and shook his head disapprovingly. "I told you not to patrol the entire night," he said before walking away.

"That was close," Ryder said once the coast was clear. "We need to do it now."

Chase and Marshall nodded and called out their dart launchers. Ryder lifted his weapon, and they all pointed at a different soldier. Out of the count of three, they all shot their corresponding soldier. The three soldiers felt the dart, looked at the other soldiers, and then the men toppled over.

As Ryder predicted, multiple soldiers rushed to the bridge to see what was happening. One soldier picked off a dart and pulled out a radio. Moments later, an alarm went off. The rest of the soldiers looked around in confusion. They raised their weapons and pointed them around at nothing in particular.

Just then, the sound of hundreds of howls filled the streets. The soldiers turned to watch in shock as a pack of wolves charged at them. At first, they were too stunned to react. It wasn't until the wolves pounced on them by the dozens that they realized they had to do something.

The wolves grazed through the men, jumping, pouncing, and biting. Though they were ordered not to make fatal attacks, they proved they were a mighty force of wild animals. But as the soldiers regained their senses, they shot at the wolves. Wolves dropped as some darts hit their target.

The odds looked good until the castle's front doors swung open. Soldiers poured out of the structure and got into defense positions. Some soldiers who held guns stood in the back while others with what looked like bats moved forward.

"I wonder why they don't all have guns," Chase thought aloud.

"Well, we did take over their armories," Marshall said.

Chase shrugged. "That's true."

"Okay, pups," Ryder said. "Let's move."

Ryder, Chase, and Marshall pushed on from the building and made their way to the castle. As they moved, they shot darts at any soldier that got too close. They made it to the other end of the bridge. Amid the battle, the front doors to the castle were left unguarded. Ryder, Chase, and Marshall opened the doors and entered the building.

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