Chapter Eleven

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While everyone woke up, Chase ordered Robot-Dog to park the plane in an abandoned parking lot. Thanks to the new camouflage system, the king and his men had no idea that they were in Barkingburg. Once the plane was parked, Chase explained the plan.

"So we all know our parts to play, right?" Chase asked. Everyone nodded. "Good, but just for safe measures, I'll explain it again. Marshall and I will head to the castle and wait by the entrance to dungeon. Solon and his team, along with Sweetie, will be head to the front of the castle. You will grab the attention of his army so we can safely free the Princess and the Earl. Do not engage unless it's necessary. Luna, you and your pack will meet with Zeus, and figure out if he we lend his paw in our cause. We won't use our vehicles so that we won't make too much noise and alert the enemy. Once the Princess is at the safe house, we will have to discuss the next part in further detail."

"Understood," Luna said.

"You can count on us," Solon exclaimed. Everyone muttered in agreement.

"Thanks everyone for being here," Chase told them as the side door opened. "Best of luck. And if you run into trouble, contact the others. Let's go, Marshall." With that, Chase and Marshall bolted off, disappearing around the corner into a street that headed towards the castle. Luna and her wolves ran off in the opposite directions, towards the forest.

Before any of his men could move, Solon stopped them. "We're gonna have a slight change of plans," he said. Solon pulled up the map of Barkingburg. He looked at his second-in-command, Ronan. "Ronan, I need you to lead the team into position here." Solon marked an alleyway near the front of the castle. "Wait there until Sweetie and I meet up with you there."

"Copy that," Ronan stated. "Where will you be going?"

"I have to check on Ranger and Chase," Solon replied.

"Chase?" Sweetie asked, confused. "Who are you talking about?"

Solon looked at her. "Ranger is the name of my dog, and his son is called Chase. I talked to Chase, uh, the Paw Patrol Chase, and he said it was best to check on them now." Sweetie nodded understandably.

Solon looked back at Ronan and his men. "We should meet you there in 15 minutes after you arrive. If I don't arrive by then, start the mission as planned."

"Yes, sir," they all said in unison. The six men marched out of the plane and headed towards the meet-up point.

Solon and Sweetie walked out of the plane and looked around. The sky was dark and partly clouded. Thanks to the lack of lights in the area, they could see stars that filled the gaps between the clouds.

Sweetie looked at Solon. "Which way are we headed?"

"That way," Solon said. Him and Sweetie walked down the street. They turned left once, right, and then left again. They arrived at a grey house with white trim and brown doors.

"We're here," Solon stated. He went to unlock the front door, but the door was already open. He was certain he didn't leave it like that. He signaled to Sweetie that they need to be quiet and careful. Sweetie nodded, understanding what was happening.

Solon pulled out his pocket knife and opened the door. The inside of the house was a mess. The couch was flipped over, broken glass and plates littered the floor, and the chandelier was in the middle of the floor.

"What happened here?" Sweetie asked softly.

"I'm not sure," Solon confessed. "But my dogs aren't here." He noticed something on the table. He picked it up and examined it. It was a photo of Solon and his dogs by his side. In red ink, someone wrote 'You weren't home, but guess who was? -Trystan'

Solon was so angry that launched the photo and the nearest wall, shattering the frame into pieces. "Jason took them," he told Sweetie.

"How did he know where you live?"

"I don't know, maybe he hacked into the prison computer, had an inside man, followed my dogs home. The point is, this place is no longer safe. Not while Jason is a threat." Solon got a message from Ronan. "They're in position," he said aloud. "Let's go."

"What about Ranger and Chase?" Sweetie asked.

"The only way to help them is by completing our mission. If we don't, we could be putting everyone at risk."

Solon stormed out of the house. Sweetie looked at the photo with the writing. She couldn't understand how someone could be so cruel. She only hoped that the others weren't hurt. Solon was right. The only way to help any of them was to finish their mission. But one way or another, Sweetie wanted Jason to pay. She ran off after Solon, closing the door behind her.

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