Chapter Twenty-Four (Final)

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Ryder, Chase, and Marshall ran downstairs, through the hallway back to the main room. They stopped at the entrance and watched the ongoing fight.

All of Jason's soldiers were on the ground. Some were groaning and rocking in pain, while others weren't moving at all. Andrew was on the floor next to the throne. A dart poked out of his neck, but his chest was still rising and dropping with every breath.

"Marshall," Ryder said.

"On it," Marshall replied, already knowing what the boy was referring to. He ran up to Andrew and checked on him.

Ryder and Chase continued watching the battle. The only ones still standing were Solon, Ronan, and Trystan. Trystan slashed at them, but they were quick to move. Solon dropped low to the ground and spun with his leg spread out, knocking Trystan to his feet. His katana slid away from him, which Ronan picked up. He pointed the point at Trystan's throat, daring him to move. Trystan understandably didn't move.

"Don't move," Solon said. "Trystan, you're under arrest."

Trystan smiled. "I don't think so." He tapped the side of his hip, and gray smoke filled the room. No one could see a thing, not even Ryder and Chase, who were thirty feet away. "You haven't seen the last of me," his voice announced from somewhere distant. When the smoke dissipated, they realized that Trystan was gone along with his katana.

Solon and Ronan looked around. "Where'd he go?" Solon wondered. "Ronan, do a perimeter sweep. And let me know if you find him."

Ronan nodded. "With pleasure," he said as he walked off.

Solon noticed Ryder and Chase looking at him. Even though he had a cut on his forehead, Solon smiled. "Hey, you got here just in time," he said. "How'd it go with Jason?" He noticed their uncomfortable frowns. "Something wrong?"

Ryder told Solon what happened on the walkway. He explained everything from the moment they walked through the door until the point where Jason fell.

Solon thought about it. "Well, whatever happened, we better find Jason. I'll send some men to search the river for him."

"Thank you," Ryder said. They stayed quiet for a second. "Seems like the commotion outside died down. Let's go check on them."

They walked outside to see what they could help with. All of Jason's men were either on the ground or handcuffed by the side of the bridge. Some soldiers searched through the men on the grass for the allied ones. Wolves did the same thing, helping up their fellow pack members.

Ryder, Chase, and Solon helped carry any unconscious men to the medical area. There, they can be treated and sent off wherever they must go. All the conscious men that followed Jason got taken back to one of the bases until the prison was ready.

After an hour of helping, a man ran to them and gave them some news. They found Jason, but their finding confirmed their suspicions. Jason was truly gone. He wouldn't see the inside of a cell, but Jason wouldn't trouble anyone again. He perished while the strong river currents carried him a mile away from where he fell.

After that, no one wanted to talk about it. Ryder, Chase, Solon, and Marshall continued helping until the others arrived at the castle. Seeing the other pups, Ryder went over to them and hugged them. Chase and Marshall did the same.

"We heard what happened," Skye said. "Is it true? Is Jason . . . ?"

"Yeah," Ryder replied. "He's gone." No one could say a thing. None of them wanted that outcome, but they understood that it happened.

"What now?" Everest asked.

"Right now, we need to worry about helping out here and around the city," Ryder said.

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