Chapter Nine

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Ryder couldn't believe his luck. It was the second time that he's been captured by that psychotic king. He was ready to put Jason into his place and understand that he can't go up against the Paw Patrol, but how? Right now, Ryder and the others were in the back of a military truck. His arms and legs were chained to the bench, long enough for him to move them freely but not only in his seat. The pups were chained up by their hind legs. They've been on the road for what felt like ours. The setting sun hit Ryder in the face through a crack in the tarp. Since the sun sets in the west, Ryder figured that they were northeast. He drew a quick map in his mind and figured that they were headed to Barkingburg, which made sense.

Ryder looked around the back of the caravan. The pups were sitting on benches along the side of the truck on Ryder's right side. Six soldiers held weapons pointed to the ground opposite of them, but that didn't make it better. Ryder looked outside and saw glimpses of another truck right behind them. He guessed that there was another one in front of the truck with just as many, if not more, soldiers. Ryder looked through the window separating the bed and the cab. Inside the cab, a soldier was driving while the man in black clothing was on the phone. Ryder couldn't make out the words, but judging from Trystan's body movement, it was a catch-up call.

Ryder looked down at his pups. They stared at the soldiers, the ground, and at Ryder. He knew that they were expecting him to have a plan, and he hated the fact that he didn't. He doubted the weapons that the soldiers were holding were just for show. Any sudden movement from any of them would put them all in danger. He lifted his palm to ask them to stay calm. The pups understood the message.The entire ride was silent except for the sound of the truck driving on the road.

After a while, the truck came to a halt. Trystan poked his head into the back of  the truck. "Time to move," he said. "King Jason is becoming impatient."

A soldier unchained Ryder and led him off the truck. Ryder realized that they were on the bridge that led to the castle. His suspicions about going to the kingdom were true. One by one, the pups exited the truck and stood around.

Once all the pups were out of the truck, Trystan said "Move along. Into the castle." Fearing that any sudden movement could put the pups in danger, Ryder obeyed. The pups followed his role and they marched into the castle. Two soldiers stood in front of the castle doors. When they saw the group approach, the opened the doors, allowing everyone inside.

The inside of the castle looked the same as when they last were in there. On the throne, instead of seeing the Princess, a man they knew too well sat in it. Jason wore a purple suit and tie, black shoes, and a black button-up shirt. He had his arm supporting the weight of his head, which Ryder guessed that it meant that he was bored.

When Jason saw them walk into the center of the ball room, he sat up straight. "Paw Patrol," he said. "Welcome." He stood up and bowed. "Welcome to my castle. I am so glad you can make it." Ryder didn't feel like it was a warm welcome, especially with the soldiers pointing their weapons at them."

Ryder was confused why the King was acting like they were, which he knew was far from the truth.. "What do you want, Jason?"

"Straight to the point," Jason pointed out. "Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you. I want what I always wanted. To take my rightful place of king of the world. Create a kingdom so big that no one will dare go against me."

"You're crazy!" Skye yelled. Ryder didn't know where the cockapoo's sudden burst came from, but he couldn't agree more.

Jason chuckled. "I'm not crazy," he said through his teeth. "You can't be crazy if the world itself is not sane. If anything, I am the least crazy person on the planet."

Ryder and the pups were confused by this statement. "How so?" Rocky asked.

"Well, you and your team wouldn't know. For some miraculous reason, your little town has been spare of the true face of people. You have not witnessed the darkness that has filled the world, but I have. I have seen, survived, suffered through the world. People who turn on themselves, their families, those who they love, all for what? A status of wealth? People are selfish by nature, and they would do anything to get there way."

"And you want to control that," Ryder guessed.

"Exactly," Jason replied. "You know, my family name is Puissance, which means "Power" in French. And being a descendant of past rulers, it is my birthright to rule all. With me in charge of the world, there will be no fights between countries. There will be no rich, no poor, no strong, or weak, no good or bad. There will only be those under me."

"And what about everyone who doesn't obey?"

"As the old quote says, 'The sacrifice of the few is worth the lives of the many,' or something like that. The will be an example of what happens when you don't obey. Just like I'm going to make an example out of you." He raised his hand, and the soldiers closed in around them. They got closer up to the point where Ryder could barely see the king as he sat down on his throne.

"What are you going to do?" Ryder asked. "Kill us."

"That would be too easy," Jason said with boredom. "You and your little team of mutts have caused me too much trouble. I want to make sure you suffer for what you did to me. But all in its time. Trystan, take them to their holding cells until I say to move them."

Trystan looked at the king. "But King Jason, Chase and Marshall . . ."

"Will have the same punishment as their team. And if they try anything, I have a surprise waiting for them here. Now, do as you were told."

Trystan stayed silent for a second before bowing. "Yes, My King."

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