Chapter Thirteen

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"Your Majesty," Chase and Marshall said, bowing in respect. "We have come to rescue you."

The Princess walked over to the pups and hugged them. "Oh, how glad I am to see you both?" She exclaimed. "Where are the others?"

"Ryder and the team were captured," Chase explained.

"Oh, dear," the Princess said. "I did not know. That madman has had me locked up for days."

"Days?" Marshall asked.

"Yes. But I must admit, he was respectful. He may be ill-willed, but he showed respect. But I can't allow him to rule the kingdom."

"Actually, he plans on ruling the world," Chase corrected.

"That's not good," the Princess said. "But onto different matters. Is Sweetie okay?"

"Sweetie's safe," Chase explained. "We can take you to her. She's in town with some of our allies."

"That would be wonderful. But what of the guards? Jason had the castle filled with them."

Marshall chuckled. "Let's just say that it's going to be nap time for all of them."

With the Princess's help, they went to the Earl's door and unlocked it. The Princess unlocked the door since it was easier for her to open it with hands. They released the Earl and all four of the walked down the hallway.

"So, I'm guessing they can't go through the crawlspace," Marshall guessed.

"No," Chase agreed as he thought about it. "And the front gates are not an option." He looked at the Princess. "Is there another exit to the castle?"

The Princess thought. "The one to the garden," she said at last. "From there it should be a straight path into the city."

Chase and Marshall led the Princess and the Earl towards the garden with the occasional directions from the Princess. Whenever they were met with soldiers, Chase tranquilized them before they could notify the others.

When they reached the door to the gardens, they stopped. "Okay," Chase said. "Princess, you and the Earl need to wait here with Marshall. I am going to make sure the coast is clear."

The Princess and the Earl nodded. "Be careful, Sir Chase," she said.

Chase smiled at the name. "Yes, your Majesty." His night vision goggles fell over his eyes and he walked out the door.

Chase expected the garden to be heavily guarded since it was the only other entrance into the castle, but it was almost the opposite. Instead of dozen guards like the front gates, the garden only had two guards. Since it was dark, they used flashlights as they walked around.

Chase walked carefully towards a tree in the middle of the garden. He looked over at the guards. They were together, but were walking away from each other. Chase took the opportunity. He crept closer and shot the soldiers to his left in the neck. He grunted, causing the other soldiers to notice. The other soldier turned just in time to see the him start to sway.

"Matt?" the soldier asked before the other soldier collapsed. The soldier looked around, pointing his gun and flashlight all over the place. He didn't see Chase, who was hiding behind the flowers.

Chase shot him in the leg. The soldier looked down at the dart and then the direction of where it came from and saw Chase. "A . . . Puppy?" He asked confused.

"You're in shock, so I'm not going to take that personally," Chase said. The soldier fell backwards onto the grass.

Chase went back to the others. " Okay, its safe to come out," the German Shepherd told them. "But I suggest we move quickly."

Together, all for of them walked across the garden. They stayed close to the castle until they reached the main bridge. There were only two guards at the entrance of the castle.

"Okay, I only see two soldiers," Chase whispered. "Once they fall, we need to hurry."

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