Chapter Three

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"He got out," Solon warned through the voicemail. "Jason escaped two weeks ago, and he's not alone. I wish I would've been able to contact you sooner. Please watch out and be safe."

*Two weeks earlier*

Jason was laying down on the bed in his cell. He tossed a tennis ball against the ceiling of his cell and catching it as it fell. He kept doing it for ten minutes before he sat up. His uncut brown hair was ragged and long, as if it once was a rat's nest. He had a scruffy beard and an orange jumpsuit. Jason sat up and looked around the place.

The cell's walls were made out of solid bars, except for one that held the door. The door wall was made of bars an inch in diameter and four inches aparts. . The exterior wall was made out of solid bricks with a window eight feet off the ground. A single light fixture lit up the cell. The only things in the cell was the bed and a toilet in one of the corners.

Jason sighed heavily. He was getting tired of the cell. Every day, he reflected on what he did wrong. He didn't think he was wrong in trying to take over the world. He still believed that it was his destiny. He just thought back to how he went about it. He knew he had to change his plans, but he didn't know how.

"I'm done with this place," he said aloud while looking down at his jumpsuit. Some of the other cellmates in the vicinity groaned, as he was known to talk a lot. "What about you, Trystan?"

Jason looked up to the cell directly across the hallway from his. It looked nearly identical except that the light was dimmer than the other cells around it. Inside the enclosed area, a man laid on the bed. He stood up and walked up to the bars. His black eyes were empty of emotion. He couldn't be older than thirty, but his expression seemed older, like someone who has gone through war after war. His hair was long and black, which flowed unevenly like old oil. Despite all this, he was relatively good looking and well built.

"This is where the life I chose has lead," the man said. His voice was raspy and sharp, like a knife rubbing on a stone. "My work is done, and this is my reward."

Jason scoffed. "This is not a reward, my friend. This is sentence made for those of low relevance. This is where they put the ones they fear or despise. The difference between you and I, you were feared from the shadows, and I from the throne."

"Until you weren't," Trystan added. "You can't change what's happened."

"I don't need you to be my therapist. They already assigned me one like I'm insane. But I'm not! I'm the one that belongs above kings and power. Not here, where pride and dignity are left to perish. This is not for me. You will see."

The man smiled before retreating to his bed and laying back down. A couple of minutes later, a guard rolled by with a cart filled with trays of food. He passed one to each prisoner along with a drink. Jason took his and sat down on his bed to eat. His tray was filled wit mashed potatoes, green peas, and a red apple. As far as prison food goes, what they've been served has been decent. He looked at his carton of milk.

Jason thought about what happened to get where he was. The first time he fought the Paw Patrol, he tried to go for the two he hated the most, Chase and Marshall, and they escaped and stopped him. The second time, he tried to use two other pups, but the others were able to stop him.

That's when Jason realized where he went wrong. He was focused on Chase and Marshall, even though they're only one part of the team. And together, they were able to stop him. Jason also tried to take over and tried capturing them as another task of less importanc, but that's not the case. He decided that when he gets out, he has to try a new approach. His first priority will be to get the Paw Patrol out of the way. He should focus on either taking them all or separating the team. And after that, he returns to the power grab.

Jason was still thinking about this when he heard a whistle coming from outside his window. He immediately understood what was happening. He lifted the bed and hid behind it as the exterior wall exploded into debris. Jason dropped the bed to see the large hole blown in the bricks. Jason watched as some men in armor and carrying firearms entered the cell. Their black armor covered their entire body except for their mouths. On the backplate of each soldier, the Puissance logo (From chapter three of 'Search For Loved Ones'). Once a dozen of them were in the cell, they stood straight and lowered their heads as a sign of devotion to the man.

"When I said to leave me here long enough for the Paw Patrol's guard to go down, I didn't mean almost a year," Jason told them. "But whatever. Let's get to business. First things first, free the rest of my men who were arrested as well. And put all the guards you find in the empty cells."

The soldiers walked over to the cell door and forced it open. Once the door was free of its hinges, the soldiers swarmed the halls, freeing anyone they recognized. Every time a guard appeared, he was grabbed by multiple men and placed in the cells. Jason watched from right outside his cell with his hands behind his back.

A soldier walked up to the Jason. "My liege, your suit is ready for you in the vehicle."

"Thank you, good man," Jason said. He turned to his right and looked at Trystan, who was now on feet again, trying to get a good look at what was happening. "You see now, Trystan? This is where I'm supposed to be. My only cage now is mortality, but believe me when I say that I will make the most of it."

Jason looked forward at all the soldiers and freed prisoners. All of the guards, who were outumbered five-to-one, were stripped of their communication devices and weapons and placed in cells. "Now that we are all together," he announced, "we will make the Paw Patrol and the entire world tremble under my feet. I am Jason Puissance." As he finished, all the soldiers kneeled before him for a second before standing back up.

Jason's men began exiting the prison and filling the vehicles parked outside. Over eighty men were waiting for Jason. Jason, on the other hand, was taking his time, talking to Trystan. "So long, Trystan," he said. A soldier gave Jason the cell keys, which he used to open Trystan's cell. "Now, you are free to do whatever you want."

Jason looked over at the guards in the cells, including the head guard Solon, who would later find a way to contact the Paw Patrol. "Enjoy your new homes. I do hope the prisoners treat you as well as you did to us. You are all good men, but you chose the wrong side."

Trystan cautiously walked out of the cell, as if he expected something to pop out of the corner. "What will you do now, King Jason?" He asked, mocking the name that the man called himself.

"Well, like you said, I'm King Jason," Jason responded. "And now, its time to expand my realm to every part of the world. But first, I have to get rid of a few obstacles first."

Realizing that Jason was serious, Trystan smiled. "I may be able to help with that. You could use of my skills and talents."

Jason thought about it. "Now that you mention it, you never told me what your profession was."

"Bounty hunter, best one out of our time," Trystan said, his smile growing larger and sinister.

"Well, then," Jason said. "Let's get you ready for your next hunt."

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