Chapter Sixteen

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Chase, Sweetie, Marshall, and some of Solon's men got up and began walking out of the safehouse when the Princess stopped them. "Chase, should I go on your team or Solon's?"

Chase, Marshall, and Solon looked at each other. "Um, Princess, I think it will be safest for you here," Chase said.

The Princess didn't like that answer. "There's a madman on my throne and threatening my people. I can't stay here and do nothing. I need to be a better leader for my people, like you and Ryder are for the Paw Patrol."

"With all due respect," Solon added, "You can't go into battle in a blue dress and heals."

The Princess looked around. "Then I will need some better clothing. I am going whether I have the right clothes or not."

A female soldier cautiously walked up to the Princess. "These might fit you. I can lead you to where you can change."

"Thank you, kind woman," the Princess expressed. They walked to the back of the safehouse and entered a room. Everyone who was in the room walked out immediately. Once she got the Princess settled, the soldier stepped out of the room and guarded it from the outside.

Sweetie walked over to Chase. "Are you going to let her come?" she asked softly. "She could get hurt."

"She's the Princess. She can come if she wants. I can't say otherwise."

Sweetie mumbled something under her breath but stayed silent. A minute later, the Princess walked out. She wore black cargo pants, a dark grey shirt, boots, and a black backpack. She looked herself over. "This isn't necessarily my color, but I can make it work." She looked over at Chase. "So, what team am I joining?"

"The choice is yours, Princess," Chase said.

The Princess looked over at Solon. "I have only met you once or twice. I will go with you, and you will teach me what you believe I should know."

Solon put his fist over his chest and bowed slightly. "Your wish is my command."

The Princess looked at Chase and smiled. "There you go, I got a team."

Chase smiled. "Great," he said. Chase turned his head to the right and noticed the Earl looking cautiously at a crate that read 'explosives.' "Earl, would you like to join our team?"

The Earl looked at Chase. "In complete honesty, I am not such an active individual. I would much rather stay here and watch over stuff from here."

"Alright, then," Chase said. He looked at Solon. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Ready for action," Solon said.

Chase looked at Marshall and Sweetie. "Are you guys ready?"

"Ready for action, Chase," Marshall exclaimed. Sweetie nodded in agreement.

"Then so am I," Chase said.

The two teams walked out of the safehouse and split into their groups. "Okay, remember, Solon," Chase said. "When you release the team and take back the base, move on to the next. We will meet up in the central base."

"And from there, we'll march together to the castle," Solon continued. "Got it. Good luck."

"You too," Chase said. Chase looked at the men they were assigned. "Do you know how to get to the base from here?"

"I do," the middle soldier announced.

"Alright, then. Lead the way."

As they parted ways, Marshall noticed that Sweetie kept looking back at the Princess. He mentioned it to Chase. "Sweetie seems pretty worried about the Princess," he said. At that moment, Sweetie walked up to their side. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Have the Princess help? She could get hurt." Sweetie looked up at Chase to see what he would answer to Marshall's question.

"Any of us could get hurt or worse. But we decided to help those we care about. That's what the Princess is doing. Trust me. I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't believe she could handle this. And she has Solon, his men, and the wolf pack by her side. She won't be alone."

They walked the rest of the way in silence. They stayed close to the buildings, cut through alleys, and kept hidden. After half an hour, the soldier in front stopped them. "The base starts around the corner."

"Thanks for leading us here," Chase said.

Chase, Marshall, and Sweetie walked up and looked around the corner. Sure enough, the enemy front extended far and wide. Around the base was a large wire fence that stood seven feet tall. There were two watch towers in opposite corners. The only entrance in or out was a large gate connected to the city roads. Six men guarded the gate, and a security post managed who was let in or out.

"We need to get a better view of inside the base," Chase exclaimed.

Sweetie looked behind them. "How about the top of this building?" The others followed her gaze. Behind them, a fire escape extended up the side of the building. A soldier lowered the ladder, and they all climbed up to the roof of the building.

They got a good view of the base. Chase counted nine large tents that extended up to the back fence. The far tent was much bigger than the others and was purple instead of grey like the others. Using his binoculars, Chase noticed two soldiers standing guard at the entrance.

"The purple tent must be where Jason stays when he visits," Chase called out. "But where is Ryder and the others? If they are here at all."

"Check out the tent to the right of the purple one," Marshall said. "Two soldiers are guarding it as well."

"That was the holding tent," one of the soldiers said. "I mean, it was when we controlled the base. There must be some of our men imprisoned there as well. The base was full when Jason's men took it over."

"Then, that's where we will start looking for them," Chase decided. "Was there an armory?"

The soldier nodded. "The tent to the left of the purple one."

"Alright, when we release the team, we will take armory. From there, the rest of the base."

An alarm went off, and for a second, the team thought the soldier saw them, but something else was occurring. As they watched, a humvee drove from the purple tent to the base's exit. With a closer look, Chase noticed a familiar man in the back seat, looking out the window.

"Jason is leaving the base," Chase said.

"Is that a bad thing?" Sweetie asked.

"Quite the opposite, actually," Chase said. "Come on, let's find a way in."

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