Chapter Two

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As usual, Chase was the first to wake up in the morning. He got up, put on his uniform, and walked out. He turned right on went up to the first puphouse, which was Skye's. "Skye, time to get up," he called out to her. After not getting a response, he called out again. He received no response, which worried him. Se usually woke up and called back after the first call.

Carefully, Chase opened the door to Skye's puphouse. To his relief, the sleeping cockapoo was soundly asleep on her bed. Her hair/fur roller was still attached to her forehead. Chase took a deep breath of relief, then walked up next to Skye. He nudged at her neck with his snout. "Skye," he whispered. "Time to get up."

This time, Skye began to turn. She opened here eyes and was met with Chase's amber eyes. "Hey, Chase," she said softly. "What are you doing in here?"

"You were responding to me from outside," he replied, "so I came in here to wake you up."

"Well, I'm lucky to have you here for me then?"

"Me too, Skye. Um, I'll be outside to give you some space to get ready." Chase showed himself out and closed the door behind him.

As Chase waited, he looked around. The clear blue sky held close to no clouds, and the wind blew only enough to get the morning scents around. The birds chirps, the waves from the bay splashed softly, and everything seemed calm. Chase noticed some balloons floating down by Town Hall, which he figured were meant for whatever made today special.

Skye opened the door and walked out. She didn't have her uniform on like Chase except for her collar. "I'm ready," she announced.

"I noticed," Chase replied, causing Skye to giggle. "Ryder, should be preparing breakfast if you want to head in. I still have to wake up the others."

"Okay," Skye replied. She nuzzled Chase before walking towards the doors of the Lookout. Ever since they revealed their love for each other, they have been happy. But over time, the shock of actually being together subsided, and they finally accepted having each other, as more than friends, as the new normal life.

Chase walked around the Lookout, waking up the pups. He started off with Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, and ended by waking up Marshall.

"Hey, Marshall," he called out. "Time to get up."

Chase heard Marshall groan from inside his puphouse. "Okay, Chase, gimme a second." Marshall got up, put on his collar, and walked outside. "Good Morning, Chase," Marshall said.

"Good Morning, Marshall," Chase replied. "Are you ready for breakfast?"

Marshall scoffed. "When am I not?" he asked sarcastically. They both laughed and headed inside.

All of the other pups were eating their food, leaving two bowls for Chase and Marshall. Chase and Marshall walked over to the bowl and ate with the others. As they ate, Rubble talked about his dream, which was mostly about building a house out of large dog treats, his two favorites things.

Ryder walked up to the pups as Rubble finished his story. "Good morning, pups," he said.

"Good morning, Ryder," the pups replied. Ryder poured himself some cereal and ate at a nearby table. He was dressed in his uniform. and looking though things on his pup pad. "So, Rubble," he said, "what was your dream about this time?" Rubble and the others laughed as the bulldog explained it to Ryder in great detail.

"Do you think we could one day do it, Ryder?" Rubble begged.

Ryder laughed. "Maybe, Rubble." He stood up and picked up his empty cereal bowl. "All right, pups, when you guys are done, lets meet up on the top floor. No uniforms needed today as far as I know." The pups agreed and continued eating.

When the pups finished eating, they put their bowls away and walked into the elevator. Marshall was the last one eating. When he realized that the other were gone, he ran over to them. "Wait for me," he exclaimed. He wasn't looking where he going, and Marshall tripped of a bouncy ball. The mistaked sent the Dalmatian flying into the elevator, knocking over everyone like bowling pins.

Marshall looked at everyone and said, "I guess I'm on a roll today," making everyone laugh.

The doors closed and the elevator began to rise. It usually stops in the middle, but since no one was changing into their uniforms, it kept going. The elevator reached the top floor, the doors opened, and the pups walked out and sat around Ryder.

"Thanks for coming pups," Ryder said. "As some of you may have noticed, there's a party set-up down at Town Hall. Well, today is the anniversary of when Adventure Bay was formed."

"Oh," the pups said, stretching out the word.

"I forgot that it was today," Chase said. None of the pups remembered.

"That's okay, Chase," Ryder reassured. "The mayor is holding a party at Town Hall. She invited everyone from Adventure Bay and surrounding areas. There will be games, food, dancing, and more. The party will also extend onto the beach."

"Awesome," Zuma exclaimed.

"When does the party start, Ryder?" Marshall asked. He hoped Everest would be going as well. They have talked to each in a while, and he couldn't wait to see her.

Ryder looked at his pup pad. "In about thirty minutes. But there's still some things that need to happen first. Chase, can you run ahead and close off Main Street, in between Town Hall and the beach?"

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