Chapter Fifteen

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Ryder and the pups were getting tired of moving around. First, they were forced out of Adventure Bay and taken to Barkingburg. There, they got a speech from the king and then put in a cell until they moved again into the main room, where the king was nowhere to be found. They waited about twenty minutes until the front doors swung open, and the team got forced into the back of two separate trucks. Ryder, Skye, and Rubble were in one, while Everest, Rocky, and Zuma were in another. Ryder didn't understand why they would put them in different trucks if they all fit in one. His best guess was that they were going to separate places. The thought of that made his stomach turn. Ryder didn't like being separated from his pups more than they had to be.

After some minutes of not knowing where they were, the truck stopped. A soldier opened the tailgate. He led Ryder, Skye, and Rubble out of the vehicle and made them follow him. The soldier led them through a base that Ryder didn't recognize. At the entrance was a sign that read "Base CL-18". Tents stretched far and wide, covering at least an acre of land. Ryder noticed soldiers carrying boxes, forklifts moving crates, and other people just standing around. As they walked through, some soldiers looked up at them.

Ryder got a glance at some of the tents as they passed. Some of the tents held bunks. One tent had tables and chairs, which Ryder guessed was the dining lounge. One particular tent caught Ryder's attention. From where the young boy stood, he could see that the tent had weapons, uniforms, and other military equipment. Ryder remembered that there was one just like it at the first camp where they were as prisoners. He started coming up with a plan to escape as he walked, but the time wasn't right. He had to wait a little longer. Ryder hoped that Chase and Marshall were coming. Ryder, Skye, and Rubble couldn't hold their own against the entire base.

The soldier opened the entrance of a tent and led the three Paw Patrol members in. Ryder looked around the tent. Torches lit up the tent, which was unnecessary since someone piled lanterns in the corner. To their right, they set up a table with a map of Barkingburg. They circled two areas, one with CL-18 and the other with TRumble. Ryder remembered the Base CL-18 sign he saw when they entered the base. He figured the other marked section was the base where they took the other pups.

Ryder's eyes fixed forward. In front of them was a purple and black throne. It resembled the throne at the castle, except for the colors. Sitting on the throne was the self-renowned king himself. Jason was wearing a purple suit with a black dress shirt. Jason would've blended in with the throne if it wasn't for his face and hands. Jason was sitting up with a staff in his hand. The handle was his symbol, a purple skull with a crown, wings, and stars for eyes. Jason himself looked like he was stressed out but was trying his best not to show it.

"Hello, Ryder," Jason said. "Welcome to Base CL-18. From here, you will witness as I take what is to be mine."

"Where are my pups?" Ryder asked in a stern voice.

"As for the others who got caught with you, they are at the other base to ensure you don't revolt. I have Trystan watching their every move. And as for your two other mutts, Chase and Marshall, I plan on finding out where they are. They freed the Princess, who knew about these bases. That is not good for me."

Ryder was happy to hear that the Princess was safe, but he couldn't afford to show. "You won't find them," Ryder said.

"I know," Jason replied. "Luckily, I don't have to. They will find you, come for you, and I'll be ready. You may have stopped my previous attempts, but not this time. I will ensure you will never get in my way again, and you will be an example for all who try to stand up against me."

Ryder looked at Skye and Rubble, who were standing behind him. They had scared faces on, and Ryder didn't blame them. The man in front of them threatened to hurt the team. For their sake, Ryder had to hold his posture. He looked back at the king. "Chase and Marshall and more intelligent than you ever will be. You're going to lose."

The king laughed and stood up. "I'm going to lose? I separated your precious team. The palace and kingdom are mine. I will level your little town and create a new castle over the ruins. I will rule the world. I have enough firepower to make you disappear off the face of the planet. Enough men to march down and destroy anyone with a single word." The king got in Ryder's face. "Your pathetic lives will mean nothing when I fulfill my destiny. Everyone will forget who you are. That is a promise."

Jason returned to his throne and plopped down. "Take them to the holding tent. I have to prepare. There are two special guests on their way. And what a surprise they will get when they arrive."

As they got pulled away, Ryder thought about Chase and Marshall. Please hurry, pups, he thought. We don't have much time.

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