Chapter 60

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After Caroline and I finally find the right outfits to wear to go shopping in and when Caroline finishes her coffee, we finally head down to the lobby.

A private car comes to pick us up and we quickly hurry to the backseats while the paparazzi still haven't showed up. I manage to spot a few flashing lights coming from the bushes in front but our driver has already started the journey to downtown L.A.

"Can you imagine all of this?" Caroline speaks as her mouth is slightly parted while she watches the window next to her.

Her hand is on the middle seat, raising her body to see more of L.A.

She's barely been out of the hotel room and I feel bad, but most of her time there I know she's been secretly studying for an upcoming test in a little over two weeks.

The traffic is still covering the streets but our driver manages to avoid most of it.

"I think I finally can." Caroline turns to me, her eyes on mine now. I nod at her. 

"I think I finally can too." We deserve this, we really do, and I finally feel like I'm allowed to deserve this.

Caroline's hand grasps her phone, showing me the screen; Instagram.

"I've been gaining hundreds of followers a night just by being seen around you." She's almost reached ten thousand and my lips part slightly in shock.

"Wow, Caroline, that's . . . amazing." But her eyes narrow down on me.

"I really mean it,"

"Can I see your's?" She squeals excitedly and I groan. I haven't looked at that thing for a while now.

I hand her my phone and she covers her mouth.

"A hundred an thirteen thousand followers?" my eyes go wide at her words and I quickly grab the phone away from her. How does this happen so fast?

"That's . . . insane." I breathe.

"This is really happening, isn't it? Everything we've ever wanted is happening." Caroline mouths quietly and I nod.

WHEN THE DRIVER STOPS the car near a mall I've never heard of before, everything already feels a little more foreign. 

L.A. is so different from Iowa that I almost might be in another country.

Iowa is quiet, neighbourhood oriented, cold and lonely while L.A. is packed, sunny, full of all kinds of people and languages.

I can't imagine living here unless it were up in the hills with Jayden but I have a feeling, this will have to become my home someday, or at least close to it.

"You coming?" Caroline breaks into my thoughts and I nodd, realizing we're still in the car.

I open up the heavy door, my sunglasses on and Caroline keeping her hoodie close to her face as we enter the large mall.

I can only hope this won't be a disaster but if a hundred and thirteen thousand people know what I look like and seemingly act as if they know everything about me, I can't be having too good of a luck without a single person spotting me, right?

The entrance to the mall has a cheesecake factory on the side and everything looks so polished yet not too perfect.

Caroline and I stop in the door right before the escalators, watching the four floors above us.

We look at each other, our heads turning slowly before we squeal and jumps together, our arms intertwining.

"Let's go to Sephora first," I speak.

POPSTAR (BEING REVAMPED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora