Chapter 45

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Hey guys! I've honestly had such a cold, it's lasted for four days and my boyfriend was getting stir crazy and now that I've gotten a bit better, we finally were able to go to a coffee shop again. I'm still a little sick but it's finally going good! How are you guys? let me know. I can't wait for you to read the next chapter. I'm a pantser when it comes to writing, so I also can't wait to read the chapter because I have no idea what to write haha, but it comes as I go and I hope you guys love it! <3 

As soon as open the front door of my dads house, I'm greeted with someone right in front of me and without hesitation, I slam my backpack into them, forcing them to almost trip as well as scream their ear off.

"Maria, it's me, it's me, Jayden," the person speaks and instantly, my body fills with energy. I didn't know how drained I was, and that hearing his voice, his name can fill me up this much.

My eyes catch his and his mine, and exactly then he speaks: "Happy Thanksgiving," I didn't realize it was thanksgiving, no wonder the school wasn't as crowded. I don't even know if there was class today, but of course determined students will always be found in school no matter what day it is.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, the November breeze still lingering around by the entrance and I quickly close the door.

He has a black hoodie on, similar to mine. I guess we were both feeling down today; both wanting to be hidden from the rest of the world.

"I'm sorry, I tried texting you, I just . . . I guess I just needed to see you. What we have is just--it's honestly got me so intoxicated. Is that crazy? I just need you," he speaks my thoughts so clearly and I can't help but just let him watch the slow smile forming on my face. 

Our eyes meet and instantly, I can't; we can't be apart for longer. My arms wrap around him and his around my waist as he lifts me up on his body. it's much stronger than it looks even though when I think about it for too long, I'm reminded that he's just a child. He's sixteen and I'm nineteen and he's picking me up like that, he's so strong, so firm, so in control.

When I'm drunk on love with him, I don't see his age; I don't see what's wrong. And right now, I'm going to choose to continue not seeing it.

He lays me down on the couch and I my legs spread around his waist. My hands hold his head in place, kissing his lips and letting his lips move to my neck.

My hips and legs wrap around him and before I know it, I'm drunk in love with him, moving around, his lips going from my neck to my chest and then to my lips. He lays my head softly onto the edge of the couch; the edge I didn't know could possibly be so comfortable, but with Jayden staring into my eyes, I can't help but not care about any uncomfort. Everything feels just perfect and I know I don't want to leave.

Thanksgiving, school . . . all of it is out the window as soon as his puffy lips hit mine, he's the perfect human, the perfect male. He's the perfect amount of cute and handsome, he's the dream guy, and I'm not the only girl who agrees, but yet here I am, the girl he's doing all this for; the girl he's flying halfway across America for.

THE HOT AIR I'VE BEEN feeling but haven't been able to put a finger on is finally getting to me. I've been feeling hot, so hot, so thirsty and drenched.

Sleeping with Jayden is not what I expected to be doing right now, but having him hold me, being half passed out in his arms is a much better Sunday than I could have dreamed of. But just as his full brown eyes and half puffed lips look at me and as I take in his full perfect, so perfect features, the door suddenly opens and I feel like I'm in hell.

My dad's face suddenly appears and I find myself struggling to keep the ropes between reality and horror apart, only to realize that I'm staring at my dad, with Jayden next to me, while I'm covering my half naked body.

"Maria," My dad somehow questions even though you wouldn't have guessed by his tone. It's an odd mixture of surprise, shock and all of the above.

"I'm . . ." I can't find the words, my mouth is agape and I can feel Jayden close to me to the point where I can almost feel his cheek, he's just as shocked as I am, except suddenly, he throws on a shirt as gracefully as possible and stands up, his sweatpants hanging low, but that's to be expected of he biggest popstar in the world.

"I'm Jayden . . . Torrens." Jayden reaches his arm out to my shocked dad.

My dad reaches out to press Jayden's hand but stays silent and I find my cheeks getting incredibly hot almost to the point of it being unbearable to be here, staring at this whole scenario in front of my eyes.

Before my dad can say anything, and before I can admit to myself that he's now staring at the aftermath of me and Jayden having sex, I grab the blanket that's on me, wrap myself into it and rush up the stairs as fast as I can.

The bathroom is much smaller than I remember and the shower feels worse, everything feels tight on my body and I can't believe I have to go through this. Out of everything that could have happened, my dad had to walk in. the house could have burned down, Jayden could have been spotted by a storm of fans but no, my dad had to walk in on the aftermath of something I hoped would only stay between Jayden and I.

I turn on the hottest water, the idea seems like heaven after all of the embarrassment downstairs, but I'm soon scolded with the hot water touching my skin and I quickly turn it off, forcing myself to put on ice cold water instead. 

The shampoo and shower gel don't seem to take up too much time; at least it doesn't take as long as I want it to. I'm wanting time to freeze and for this shower to last forever but I know I have to go downstairs, I know it's worse to hide and yet I can't help it. 

The thought makes me wonder how Jayden feels when all of the pressure is on him; all of the attention and hate, all the emotions, all the love and all of the battles he won't be able to battle through alone that are being thrown at him at all costs.

I wrap myself in a towel and squeeze the leftover water out of my hair above the bathroom sink. I hear muffled voices downstairs but I still don't dare to go down. How is Jayden managing to be so kind about all of this? so carefree and so perfectly charming even though there is clear evidence against him. And then I'm quickly reminded that Jayden and I come from two different worlds. He's used to things that I have no idea what are.

I look at myself in the mirror at the happy me, the me who hasn't needed her headphones for almost a month now even though I've used them as a distraction from the constant reminder that Jayden is away from me and yet when he is with me, I can't help but worry about the differences.

I quickly wash off any residue of makeup off my face, my eyebrows look slightly thinner but my brown eyes are still the exact same; the perfect match to Jayden's.

"I'm ready to face reality," I speak to myself in the mirror. I've already faced the changes that I've needed to take, to stop my old life from continuing to mould and shape me. I've let go of something my mother convinced me I never could let go of, and now I'm finally ready to step into a different life.

"I'm ready," I speak again and this time I see my eyes shining back at me like stars in the darkest blue of nights.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!! Please vote if you liked it! that really helps the book <3

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