Chapter 50

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Hi guys! So im at a waiting-room waiting for my boyfriend and typing up a chapter on my phone  :) half of this was written on my laptop a week ago. So im trying to finish the chapter. Let me know if you guys like these personal updates in the books or not❤️

The Private port at LAX is different than I thought it would be, somehow it's much further away from the regular airport and when we step out of the plane, a black car comes to greet us.

I start to wonder if I could ever get used to something like this; everything being ready and flowing with ease everywhere I go. But when Caroline and I get into the SUV, we're greeted with a familiar face.

"Hi, I'm Andrew," the man says, not even looking up at us.

"Yeah, we know," Caroline and I whisper in unison before Jayden finally sits down beside me. It's as if Jayden's manages is some sort of breed of human that I'd never associate with.

"Jayden," Andrew looks up at him and only him, and it somehow makes me feel like trash; like another bimbo seen with Jayden.

"Hey Andrew, this is Maria and Caroline." My heart warms at his introduction but Andrew only half-asses the our handshakes before continuing all of his attention to Jayden.

"We have a scheduled tour in a month, you know that right?" Andrew's voice is hard and tough, like a parent trying their hardest not to compeltely freak out.

"I'm aware of that, yes," Jayden gives him a light chuckle and I want to laugh but instead I bite my lip down hard.

"You don't have time for this," Andrew whispers harshly although I'm not sure why he whispered because his words are blatantly obvious. Jayden smirks at me and mouths 'sorry' before looking Andrew the eyes.

"For the last time, calm down, I'm preparing for the tour everyday and doing the vocal exercises you showed me, okay? Now chill." Jayden's voice is rough and straight to the point. And I admire him but it makes for a very awkward car ride into L.A. I try to take a photo of the L.A sign as we pass it with my old Iphone, but it doesn't come out as I'd hoped. I glance at it, and take in the way it's rough and random but still a part of my journey.

Caroline glances at me, her brow lifted because of something Andrew said, but I didn't hear any of it. I don't want someone like Andrew influencing my thoughts about L.A. I can't lie and say that I like him even being in this car, but seeing Jayden listening to everything he's saying, I realize it must be important.

"Yo, turn in," Jayden tells the driver as we drive up a steeper hill. This time there are no paparazzi by Jayden's house, and while Caroline stares in aw at something neither of us had seen mere weeks ago, Jayden smiles at me and presses my hand into his before we get out of the car. Andrew trailing along as his fashionable glasses hang on his nose, bouncing up and down as he walks.

The grass is gorgeously cut around Jayden's white home. The windows look tall and endless and the homeyness when we walk in is just as I remember it. It's large yet so homey and it has enough space to fit tens and tens of people.

"You, Caroline!" Andrew speaks loudly, his eyes still glued to the iPad he's holding.

All of us stare up at him and then he finally looks at Caroline.

"Come with me," he gestures with his fingers for her to follow before the screen lights up his face again as he walks lazily up the oak steps up to the second floor while Caroline excitedly but hesitantly follows.

"He's taking her up to the studio," I feel Jayden's breath on my neck, the little hairs standing up that only do so when Jayden is around. I never felt like this, not even with Griffin.

"Let's go." His hang grasps mine softly and we travel up the stairs, I manage a glance at the living room. It looks so different in the morning brightness. The windows are tall and huge, the pool waits perfectly still outside, and you can see practically over the entire Los Angeles area.

The oak stairs are thick and it's clear that this is a bachelor pad. There's no real furniture, not similar to my mother's house anyway. And It's obvious that this wasn't designed for a family.

As we make our way upstairs, I hear Andrew's voice and Caroline's giggles. The upstairs is a hallway with a single room in the very end. A glass-door which leads us to Caroline and Andrew who have clearly gotten to know each other.

"Caroline," I smile as I watch the two laughing over what I assume are Jayden's lyrics.

"Yo, not cool." Jayden smiles, he's so genuine around people he knows. I can sense that he's still a little uncomfortable with Caroline for some reason and so is she, but I believe they'll one day be best friends.

"Yeah, so as I was saying . . ." Andrew coughs.

"We can try out the studio," Jayden interrupts and Caroline finally gives him honest eye contact.

"thank you, that would mean a lot to Maria and me." She speaks for the both of us and I throw her a small smile. Although pizza boxes and random blankets lie all around. Jayden snaps his finger, Andrew rolls his eyes, and the mess is gone.

As Jayden and Andrew stay by the glass door, Caroline turns on the microphone and gestures for me to walk on the small 'booth' where Jayden records his music.

My eyes close, I grab the microphone and from random lyrics I've written down over the ears my voice takes completely over me,

"Baby you got me, you got me feelin' so good." I open my eyes only to see that both Jayden and Andrew are wide eyed, slowly walking over to the recording booth.

"You guys like it?" I squeal, happy about how my voice just sounded.

I slowly step out of the recording booth, hearing all of their voices again.

"That was better than expected." Andrew's tone is apparent and cuts through the exciting tension in the room like a knife. He annoys me but right now I'm glad to be receiving even a small compliment from him.

"That was great, Maria," Jayden compliments me and I feel warm again. His eyes look into mine as if he's thinking, full of wonder, excitement and surprise. The honey color always looks so warm when he looks at me.

"Is that your own lyrics?" Andrew asks, as he hands my skinny arms a stack of papers.

"Because if so, we've got work to do." He finished before I can reply, and with that, I giggle. 

I never thought my life would turn into this, but now that it has, I don't miss my old life. Not even my mother.

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