Chapter 46

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As I take a leap, step out of the bathroom and watch the stairs become a maze before me, I know I'm more ready than I ever have been. I know what I want and I'm going to embrace it; I want Jayden and I'm going to allow myself to want him.

I take a step and then each step suddenly becomes a breath of fresh air and when I hear the muffled voices becoming clearer, I realize Jayden and my dad are . . . cooking together?

As I walk down the stairs only leaving three steps to go, I hear them talking about food and each other.

"So what is it like being a superstar like Jayden Torrens?" My dad's voice rings in through the kitchen as I make it to the last steps.

"Stressful . . . there's a lot of pressure, so thank you . . . for allowing me to be here for dinner."

"You seem like a gentleman, and I don't mind seeing my daughter this happy."

"Oh, she is?" Jayden says, his smile apparent as he tries to keep his words on the low.

But when I step in, his eyes catch mine.

"Yeah, I am," I speak, both my dad and Jayden formally looking up at me.

"Come here, Maria, you can help with the turkey," my dad says flashing a small smile. He seems odd, he's not usually this--I don't know.

I slowly walk toward my dad but all I can really do is be distracted by Jayden. I can't believe he flew all the way here just to be with me. He might seem like a rich prick to all the boys and a hot singer player to all the girls, but to me, he has made effort like no one ever would for me, he has made me feel like the only girl in the world and in such a short amount of time.

The turkey is raw and full of things I don't want to touch or see but when my dad gives me an easier task like mixing together a glaze, I realize I'm not that good in the kitchen.

"I'll do the turkey," my dad says and now I'm finally able to spend my time watching whatever is happening between the two men in my life.

"I'm glad you're here," My dad says, looking at Jayden who smiles.

"I'm glad to be here,"

"Just promise me you won't hurt my daughter or else," my dad warns and I want to die of embarrassment.

I place a loose strand of hair behind my ear and try my best to focus on the glaze, but there's too little to focus on and the idea of Jayden and my dad being in the same room talking is nerve wracking. I've barely figured out how this is going to work and now my dad seems to be mixed into it too.

"So, I was thinking, my 17th birthday is coming up, it's going to be in L.A. can I invite your daughter?" Jayden speaks and I glance at him while my cheeks flush a bright pink.

"Absolutely not," my dad says and my lips turn into a sealed envelope. Excuse me what?

I feel my mood change immediately. My dad has known me to be a moody, emotional teenager, but he hasn't seen me like this and he quickly looks at me, his dark brown eyes reminding me of my own.

"Maria," he begins but I don't even want to let him finish, I feel the water dripping down my cheeks, and in front of Jayden. How could he be so harsh?

I quickly make my way up the stairs, my knees weak, I just came down and now I'm forced to lock myself in here for the rest of my life. There's no way I'm allowing Jayden to see me like this, the embarrassment, the tears, the harshness of my dad's tone.

I don't hear anything after I shut the door. The muffled voice I heard when I was on my way down aren't there. It's as if the whole room is spinning, silent and awkward. A pit in my stomach starts to form and I start to feel hunger eating at me, I was looking forward to dinner, to spending time with Jayden and my dad . . . even in the same room, but now it feels as if the moment has been completely robbed away from me.

It's been taken in cold blood, it's as simple as that, robbed.

My face is smushed into a heart pillow; one of the only things I took with me from my mom's house. Jayden has already witnessed my awkward family and now somehow my dad has made it worse, as if my mom wasn't bad enough just by being herself.

The tears continue to stream down my cheeks and the pillow my face is flat against.

I hear a faint knock and immediately I sniffle, my nose feels stuffed and I don't think I can get anymore tears out even though they're truly beginning to be taken out of wherever they originate from.

"Hey," I hear Jayden's sweet, raspy tone. He's always so subtle, so sleek, so cool, so everything.

His honey brown eyes catch mine and they won't let go, even with my hair being stuck to my teary cheeks, he still just sits there, just simply observes me.

"Are you alright?" He asks, his tone is absolutely perfect and so is he, his perfect outfit, perfect chest and the way he stares at me.

"I'm sorry," I barely speak and place my head back into the pillow. Being around my family makes me feel as though I don't belong in the spotlight next to Jayden.

He reaches his hand to my cheek, his touch is so soft but he just stares at me.

"Your family really hurts you, don't they?"

I nod, I just can't fit in with them the way I used to even just two weeks ago, I feel as though everything has shifted and now I'm merely a bystander to words I can't follow anymore. I want my own life.

He sits down, his expensive jeans, touch my bed. I can smell the cologne off him, theres not even a hint of sweat or the smell of dinner on him, he has probably learned how to be absolutely perfect at all times because fans and media surround him for the majority of his life.

He has such a coolness to him such a swag and I can't help but be in aw, his pink pursed lips, beautiful brown mole and honey eyes under bushy black brows are all in perfect harmony creating the perfect human.

"Let's leave after dinner? You can stay with me, alright?" He says and I nod. My world is changing and I want it more than ever, I'm no longer afraid.

Half of this chapter was written Dec 2022, and half of it this year. it's a sort of beautiful crossover and mix which I love <3 and means a lot to me :)

I love you guys, you guys are my favorite <3

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