Chapter 48

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I really want to just spam you guys with chapters because you are all so amazing! <3

After promising my dad to clear the plates (alone) and wash them, I've managed to convince him that we'll be okay, but yet he insisted he needs to talk to Jayden before he can leave for work. And on top of that I've promised not to stay in this house, we have to leave, "go to a park or something" he said.

I roll my eyes at the memory of my dad intervening so much, this is exactly why I left my mother's place and honestly, I don't regret a minute of it.

As I wash the dirty dishes in the foamy sink water, I stare at my yellow gloves and listen to the voices behind me, although my dad's kitchen is small yet large, I'm able to make out the faint voices of my dad and Jayden by the entrance door.

My dad is trying to tower over Jayden who looks much taller because of his confidence with makes no sense.

I shake off any thoughts about how my parents could just sabotage my chance with Jayden and instead close my eyes, trying to figure out what's being said behind me.

"I don't want any funny business," my dad explains amongst more mumbling.

"There will be none of that, sir," Jayden sounds so respectful and I can't help but swoon.

"My daughter is way too good for you, and I don't want her getting hurt, I don't want another prick to mess with her,"

"I'm aware that she is," Jayden speaks and I can almost feel him glance over at me.

"Good, so don't get her into any trouble because you'll be dealing with me," my dad says and although my heart wants to break over how sweet my dad is being about protecting me I also can't stand Jayden being treated this way.

Jayden stays silent, my dad waves a goodbye, gives Jayden the eye and leaves out the door. He'll be calling me every five minutes he said until we're out of the house.

"I'm sorry—" I turn around

"You don't have to be," Jayden speaks and I just absolutely love his voice, no wonder half the population is in love with him too.

"I love you," he says and my knees feel weak. It's still such a new word for us but I knwo I could hear it for the rest of my life.

"I love you," I whisper, he approaches me and takes off my yellow gloves one by one before lifting me into his arms.

"Are you worried about what my dad said?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, but I'll still respect it."

His lips dig into my neck and I feel my head fall back.

"I don't know if you will," I giggle and he just chuckles into my neck, his breath so warm.

"There's a plane waiting, I really do want to take you to the recording studio down in L.A." Jayden speaks and goosebumps flood over my whole body. I couldn't be happier being with him.

We hear the door-handle rattle and immediately I jump away but Jayden doesn't.

"I forgot my keys," my dad says, his eyes set on Jayden.

"Here they are." Jayden throws the keys at him from the kitchen table, his throw incredible, it's as if he's perfect at everything.

"I'll um . . . I'm going to pack the rest of my stuff," I reply but before I can get up the fifth step "Mija" my dad says calmly but in the most serious tone I think I've ever heard. I turn around while Jayden's eyes just look at me, his brown honey eyes so perfectly blended into his light to olive skin.

As soon as my eyes connect with my dads, he speaks again, "Where are you going?" I've never lied to him in my entire life, my dad is my world, he means so much to me; he meant everything to me.

"To mom's," I gulp but keep eye contact, Jayden just watches me, he doesn't laugh, he doesn't raise a brow he doesn't judge, he just observes me.

"Go ahead," he says and I nod before climbing upstairs as quickly yet calmly as possible.

My heart is racing and when I start to pack some of my clothes I start to feel tears forming in my eyes, but I blink them away. Lying to my dad is the worst thing I could have done, but he'd never understand.

I glance over my room as quickly as possible, I've handed in my sheet for quitting college and it has never felt so freeing, but without knowing it I've stepped into bigger challenges than I knew possible.

I pack some clothes off the floor, some from my shelves and clothes that are hanging and haven't been touched in years. I debate on bringing my laptop with me, but somehow I decide against it and rush down stairs in hopes of meeting Jayden's eyes waiting for me, but instead, I'm faced with muffled low tone voices again.

"If you ever lie to me or break her heart, you're a goner," my dad's tone hits through the entire downstairs and then I hear the door close just as softly as before although I'm sure there's more emotion to it this time.

"Are you okay?" I walk slowly don the stairs.

"Yeah . . . yeah," he speaks and I take a deeper look into his eyes only for him to blink that stare away.

I know he's not okay but Jayden's smile is so infectious . . . so believable that I wonder if it's a default for the public.

"Let's go, okay?" he says and I nod before grabbing my bag from the floor. He quickly takes, over, steering my hand away from the bag and into his instead.

As I walk out of the door I realize that I seem to have forgotten something; the important things from my old life, important things like Caroline.

AS WE SIT IN THE CAR fans start to approach one by one. One person Recognizes Jayden's voice, someone else, the fancy car in this small town somewhere in Iowa, and before we know it, a flock of people are trying to peek into the blacked out windows, some even taking photos.

It feels incredible yet scary to witness something like this.

"Did you forget something?" Jayden asks, one of his hands around me while the other is on my thigh, he always seems to make me feel like the only girl in the world.

"I want to bring Caroline with—my—"

"I know who she is." His words interrupt mine and I just can't help but smile.

I text Caroline to meet us by the park before closing my eyes and leaning my head onto Jayden's hard yet soothing shoulder as we drive away from the crowd that is still building around my dad's house.

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