Chapter 35

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THE NIGHT HAS SOMEHOW GOTTEN quiet and Jayden has started to seem even more familiar to me. Being connected to him in a way of cooking and him holding me made everything seem so much quieter, and now that he has set up a small table right by the large sliding glass door leading to the beautifully shining blue pool, I'm realising just how quiet everything is.

"Come," Jayden reaches his hand out, I haven't even noticed the time passing, and suddenly, all of the food is plated on the small table with a blue table cloth on top.

The plates are large and white with some decorations I can't see under the pasta.

An expensive Rolex sits on his left wrist as he places his hand on the table, taking a fork into the other and swirling pasta around it.

his brown eyes dart to mine and I suddenly feel so self-aware, I've been staring at him eating for the past three minutes.

"So do you read everything about me on magazines?" he asks suddenly and I shake my head.

"Is everything they write about false?" I don't read it much but after meeting Jayden, suddenly my interest in my mothers magazine subscription has gone up.

"Most of it, some of it is true . . . but you have to really dig for it," his brown eyes tell me as they shine a honey color with the sunlight shining through the living room as the sunset progresses.

"Close your eyes," he suddenly says and I do so. I haven't had many bites of the pasta or the garlic bread that has been staring at me from my orange plate, but somehow I don't mind.

Somehow everything has become so calm, so quiet and I feel as though I'm in my bedroom, a magazine in front of me, and the smell of my mom's cooking coming through the small sliver in my bedroom door.

"Open," I feel his breath on me, and I open my eyes to a cave of brown, a sky full of stars, a honey glaze on a donut.

His eyebrows are dark: black almost and his lips are so pink, so crazy pink. and my eyes can't stop staring. 

"I felt like I wasn't here," I speak, my voice hoarse and dry and I glance at the drink that made me feel this way in front of him, and I realise that I was drinking champagne and not water. I suddenly feel a lump in my dry throat, but not one of crying, but one of tense muscles.

"I know, I do that too sometimes," I shake my head, "I mean . . . it, it felt better to be here. I didn't want to escape somewhere familiar, I wanted to stay here." I speak, my voice feeling inaudible and suddenly I notice that the sun has set and that everything around us has gotten a few shades darker and somehow it feel so good.

As I stare at his lips, I think he's about to kiss me, but then suddenly I'm not so sure anymore until he starts to lean in.

His puffy pink lips touch mine, and I feel full-filled, not in a way where I see fireworks in my eyes, but in a way where I see stars, I see a sky full of stars, I feel as though I'm drinking a fountain of them and they're filling my body in the best way possible, as If I'm complete when I'm with him.

Suddenly, his hands are around me and I'm being lifted, my legs have no complications finding his torso and wrapping themselves around him.

My arms do the same around his neck and his hands move to hold underneath my butt instead of my legs and suddenly a shiver of electricity runs through me and I want more, but instead of that, he brings me outside and continues to hold me, continues to allow our lips to play with each others as small and slow raindrops fall around us.

The smell of palm trees in the rain is something I never even thought of, but the warm air mixed with the rain, the plants he has outside his house and the palms all around L.A is magical. And it's a type of magic I couldn't have dreamed of.

I detach my lips from his and look up, allowing him to stare at my neck. His lips touch my neck and instantly bring my head down closer to him.

He slowly lets me go down on to my high heels in the rain. and the way he looks just standing there just watching me, his shirt wet and his brown eyes watching me.

"You coming in?" he asks, and with he cutest smile in the world, he takes his shirt off and then his pants and jumps in, splashing the water on me slightly, but it does enough damage, and the rational mind, the ration part of me knows that, it knows that if my mother figures out that this dress has been splashed with pool water and not dried properly, not instantly put into dry cleaning, I'll be dead. But in this moment, I somehow can't bring myself to care. All I see are his brown eyes; all I see is him.

I take the dress straps down my shoulder, I would never do anything like this, but somehow with him; with Jayden I feel like I can do something like this. I feel free; I feel like myself. I'm not the girl studying science in the university of Iowa. Right now, I'm myself, I'm everything I want to be and I want it with him. I just want this with him, all of this. 

I kick my heels off softly, preventing them from getting damaged, because even though I'm going to be ruining my mother's dress, I can't allow that to happen to Jayden's shoes. He gave me something so special and I want to keep them for the rest of my life. My bare feet stand on the side of the pool and I let the rain and wetness get to me, only to realise that Jayden has been extending his hand out to me for at least a few seconds now and I allow my dress to quickly pool my bare feet.

And then, finally I allow our hands to touch and for Jayden to slowly lift me into the pool, the strength he has in his hands surprises me because I'm still in the air, barely touching the water with my stomach. He lowers me down and I see the muscles on his arms flex. They're not like some meat-head would have, or even someone who you'd see dating someone with the smallest breed of dog in her purse. They're perfect, they're flexed and slightly tanned, they're apparent but not in your face.

He lowers me into the water and as he stares into my eyes I somehow feel as though he's treating me like someone special not like someone he'd have a one night stand with, and somehow I know deep down, that we're meant to be.

The water sparkles in the dark L.A night and as he holds me and places me into the water, I know that right now all I want is to be in his arms. I give him a giggle before I swim to the edge of the infinity pool. 

Jayden's hands are quick to hold my lower back and I feel as though I could stay here forever.

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