Chapter 37

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Jayden's hand rests on my lower back.

"I'm sorry . . . about everything," Jayden speaks and I just look at him and so does my mother but only for a split second before her eyes turn angry again, and somehow I have a feeling that they might never like each other.

"Can we please not do this here, mom?" I ask kindly as more people start to gather, my mother's eyes shift from me and to everyone around us, suddenly and especially with Jayden here there seem to be a lot more people here than before, even with my mom yelling.

My mother stares at me, not even at Jayden. She has barely given him any attention considering that her favourite Magazine character is right in front of her, but somehow she dons't seem to care. 

I never really thought too much about my mother and Jayden together I somehow always had the two separate worlds and now they're clashing in front of me as if two waterfalls are trying to battle each other and I know that it's only going to leave everyone around them drowning, me included.

Jayden presses his hand on my back and then quickly throws a pair of large shades and the hood off his grey sweater on top of his perfect hair.

We slowly walk inside behind my mother as I watch her disappear into the house. I don't want to go inside but I don't want to deal with this forever either, it's been too long and too short at the same time, I need my mother to be okay with this.

As we follow into the upstairs apartment that I've lived in for most of my life, my mother is then in the familiar living room, sitting on a single red couch. It used to be a more vibrant red, not it's a more murky disgusting red, and all of a sudden I feel so incredibly hot, my whole body emanates heat and it's not until I start slightly sweating that I realize I'm incredibly embarrassed by Jayden being in here.

He's used to everything being so glamorous, and the inside of his kitchen was cleaner than anything in here. I don't know that last time we had enough to buy a large piece of furniture. Our two different worlds are clashing and my mother is the middle man; the demon preventing it from happening and colliding into one magical piece.

Jayden sits down on the couch beside my mother, and I don't wonder why she wanted to sit alone, she wants her won space, she wants Jayden to know this is her home. But despite Jayden trying his hardest, flying to be with me, to be here right now, my mother only looks at me.

"Sit down." She says firmly and I sit beside Jayden as both of us lean forward to see my mother properly.

"Is this you?"My mother stretches the magazine wide open, holding it tightly and I know she doesn't care if she'll rip the page out just to shove me; just to prove a point.

I stare at the photo of Jayden in his doorstep, his hand reached out to my as I hide under my large sunglasses and dark hair with a black limo behind me.

"Yes," a lump in my throat answers, my words feel so dry and yet I'm scared to speak.

"Ma'am please, I didn't mean to cause--"

"You've caused enough." My mother's voice is harsh and I can't help but wonder if this will ever end.

"You know what? No, mom I can't do this. I don't want any of this." I speak and stand up, realising that my body and mind have taken over. I've felt weak for weeks now and I can't do this anymore. I'm twenty years old for god's sake. This shouldn't be a problem.

"Sit down Gringa!" My mother yells as she sits there staring at both me and Jayden with her deadly eyes.

"Look what you've done," she says to Jayden. how dare she speak to him like that when he's been nothing but kind?

"No mom, I've had enough, this has been more than enough. I'm allowed to do what I want!" I yell back at her while Jayden is in the middle of this.

"She's old enough to make her own decisions, please don't stay mad at her, if anything it's me--" Jayden tries but my mother Is too quick.

"You know what? It is you." My mother stands up, yelling at Jayden as I quickly enter my room, packing everything I can into a duffle bag and texting Caroline that I won't be living here anymore and that I'll see her in school when I get the chance.

"You're a child, what do you think you're doing?! You're dragging her with you into a world she doesn't belong!" My mother yells and I quickly get out of the room but It's too late, too much damage has been done, my mother has completely gone haywire, trying to destroy something I love so dearly.

"She does, your daughter has great talent when it comes to music and I'd love to show her sometime," Jayden look at me, how is he able to keep his calm like this?

"You won't get to show her, she's a dumb child and so are you, and as long as she's in this house, I decide, period." My mother says firmly and when I approach close enough to where she can see my duffle bag, her features still don't soften.

"I'll pick up the rest of my stuff tomorrow," I note down, not even looking at her poisonous eyes and after grabbing Jayden's hand. We're both heading out of the apartment building, not looking back at her.

As we run down the stairs I can almost feel my mother watching us, both her and me full of regret but neither of us willing to say anything or change our minds. I don't want it to end like this but a bigger, stronger part of me doens't care even if it does.

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