Chapter 72 - You Don't Understand!

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   -I'm... sorry... Conan apologised.
Yoko turned her head in surprise at his apology. She hadn't expected it.
   -Maybe I screwed up a bit, and I understand why you're angry with me. he continued, looking away. I thought it was a good idea to get you to join the witness protection programme. I should have talked to you about it first...
   He took a moment of silence to give her time to grasp the situation. Then he turned to look at her and continued.
   -Do you accept my apology?

   The young girl looked at her friend. He looked sincere. He looked sincere and yet something was wrong. Something was missing.
   She simply lowered her head, giving herself time to think. Should she accept? Should she refuse? Or simply say nothing? She didn't know... She didn't know yet.
   -Come on, let's go back to being friends like before and forget all about this. said the young detective again.

   Like before ? Forget it? When the apology given was... incomplete?
   Yes, that was it. It wasn't complete. There was something else behind it. An accumulative effect that had led her to give in. Yes, that was it. She finally understood why she hadn't yet been able to forgive him. In the space of a few months, he'd just done things wrong.
   She couldn't accept an incomplete apology...

   She stood up in silence, to the surprise of the boy with the glasses. He wasn't sure what he was going to do next. He was not serene.
   -An apology... Just for this witness protection programme thing, eh? she said, not very clearly.
   -... Eh?
   -You're just apologising for this idea you had without telling me... Do you really think that's all it is?! Do you really think that's the only reason I'm mad at you?! You want to know something?! You tell my life story to someone without telling me or asking me! Someone I don't know! You share information that I've agreed to give you when you refuse to share yours with me! You only agree to talk when it suits you! You've done everything to avoid giving me an answer! I even told you what I wanted! And you don't listen to me! You only think of yourself and what suits you! If you were such a good detective, you might have understood... No... You don't give a damn! You'd rather choose for other people, putting aside what they feel! I know I'm not as intelligent as you, nor as gifted, and I get blocked easily, but I want to move forward! I don't want to be far away! And if you'd tried to understand, we wouldn't be where we are right now! So no, I don't want your excuses! As long as you haven't understood for yourself, I don't want them!

   Calm returned. Only the sound of cars could be heard. And Yoko's shaky breathing.
   She caught her breath, trying to calm down. She could hardly believe everything she had said. She didn't want to. Maybe in everything she'd said, she'd let some hurtful words slip out... but on the one hand, it did her good. It felt good to be free of a burden, to say what she felt.
   Conan, for his part, widened his eyes, not expecting this at all. He'd thought it would easily be resolved, but apparently he'd made the situation worse. It was really what he wanted to avoid...

   -Sorry, Conan-kun... I tried not to blame you... I don't... I don't think... said the former high school student in a hesitant, trembling voice.
   She took a deep breath and looked down at the ground. Tears formed in her eyes, which she tried to hide from the boy. She clenched her fist on the chain she wore on her trousers, as if to reassure herself.
   -I don't think we can go on being friends... I've made an effort but I don't want to go on having a bad night because of it... You can thank the kids for the day... Have a nice weekend.
   She walked away, head down and without turning round to the amazement of the kid in glasses.

   -Wait up! Yoko! he tried to hold back.
   He got up and wanted to follow her to clear up the situation, but a voice in the distance made him turn around. He gritted his teeth as he saw where the voice was coming from. It wasn't the right time for them to come back. But on the other hand, maybe it was better now than a few minutes ago.
   -Conan-kun! Yoko-chan! Ayumi called.
   She came running in, plastic bag in hand and a smile on her face. A smile that disappeared immediately when she noticed that one of the group was missing.
   -Eh? Where's Yoko-chan? asked the little girl.

   Conan looked a little embarrassed as Mitsuhiko and Genta arrived in turn, also surprised by the absence.
   -Has Yoko-san left? asked the freckled boy.
   -Y... Yeah... replied the former high school student simply.
   -Why? asked the only girl in the group.
   -We were having fun though... Her friend looked disappointed.
   -She could have waited until we got back... We've brought back something to eat... Grumbled the bulk of the group.

   -Don't tell me things have got worse between you! Mitsuhiko suddenly exclaimed.
   The boy concerned sighed, putting his hands in his pockets, staring at where his comrade had disappeared, with a slightly guilty look on his face.
   -Yeah, well...
   What more could he say? He couldn't lie and say that everything was better, that she'd just gone home because she wasn't feeling well. They'd soon find out it was a lie, and that could make things even worse. He might as well not alienate all his friends...

   He was having trouble visualising what he'd done wrong. If he had refused to give information, it was to protect her... Not to make them fight like that.
   Now how could he right his wrong now... ? All he knew for sure was that Yoko wasn't going to forgive him by tomorrow...

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