Chapter 69 - Witness Protection Programme

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   Jodie and Yoko sat down at the table, facing each other. Jinpei stood against the wall, ready to listen in or interrupt the conversation if anything went wrong.
   There was tension on the young girl's side. It was quite intimidating to be in front of an FBI agent, especially when that agent was there for her. And several questions were running through her head.

   -Do you have any idea why I'm here? asked the woman.
   Her voice was calm, so as not to frighten the little girl. She was trying to be reassuring.
   -Conan-kun asked me to come and see you. He told me briefly that you'd met a woman called Vermouth. Can you confirm this?

   "Conan-kun"... Was it Conan who tipped off the FBI? Why had he done that?
   Having no other choice, Yoko nodded. She wasn't going to lie, it wouldn't do any good. As for the policeman, he raised his eyebrows at the information that had just been given.
   -Can you explain a little more precisely? asked the blonde.

   The young girl swallowed before looking away, letting her gaze wander a little elsewhere. Explain...
   -She... I don't know if... I don't know if Conan-kun told you, but she tried to kill me... Erm... I don't... I don't wish to go into details that are... difficult but... um... I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and... er... I saw... two men in black... commit a murder...
   The end of her sentence had been spoken with a certain hesitation, a lack of confidence as she tried to return her gaze to Jodie. She was capable of explaining her situation, but it wasn't easy either. And she couldn't give precise details.

   As for the woman, she looked as if she had compassion. And she was. What's more, she could tell it wasn't easy to talk about, and that was understandable.
   -And since then you've been pursued by them, haven't you? asked the FBI agent.
   All she got in reply was a simple nod of the head. As for Jinpei, he remained silent, not intending to go into detail about the events.

   Jodie smiled a little to reassure the child, seeing that she was not at ease.
   -Take your time. she said.
   Yoko nodded gently, taking the time to breathe a little. Then, after a minute or two, the woman spoke again.
   -Do you know what the witness protection programme is? she asked.
   The girl blinked several times. From the name it sounded pretty clear what it was, but on the other hand it was also vague.
   By way of reply, she shook her head.

   -The witness protection programme is designed to protect witnesses who are under threat. Witnesses are protected for as long as necessary, as their testimony is invaluable in the fight against organised crime. However, to protect them, they have to change their identities and are forbidden to contact their family or friends.
   Yoko blinked at this explanation. She was expecting the protection part - that's what the name of the programme said - but she was less expecting the rest, that is to say the constraints.

   Being protected... It was tempting. It would take the stress out of the idea of being found and being able to live in peace. But...
   The change of identity made her a little reluctant. She already had a false identity, and she didn't want to change it. She didn't want to have to adapt to a new name again... She didn't want to be "another person"...
   No, the worst thing was the ban on contacting anyone she knew. This would probably concern Jinpei? And then, even Ai, Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi and Conan... She didn't want to lose contact with her friends. She didn't want to lose contact with anyone. She'd had trouble adapting, and she was good with everyone, so to change...

   Thinking of Conan... Jodie had said she knew about Yoko's situation because he'd told her, albeit briefly. Why had he done it? He had no reason...
   Unless... Unless it had something to do with what he'd said... "I promise you'll be protected". It was the witness protection programme he was talking about...

   On the one hand it hurt Yoko. No, not just on the one hand... It hurt Yoko. It wasn't protection she wanted. She even refused to change her identity, to lose contact with those she knew, to most certainly distance herself from Jinpei. No, she didn't want that. She didn't want that kind of protection. Conan hadn't understood...
   She didn't want to change anything in her current life. She didn't want to have to start all over again. Even if it meant being in constant danger.

   Jodie gave the girl time to think before taking a pen and paper out of her pocket and writing something on it. Then she handed it to the girl, which brought her out of her thoughts. She looked at it, intrigued.
   -I'll give you time to make your decision. When you have, I'll let you let me know. Here's my number.
   She picked up the paper, looking at the number.

   Taking the time to make a decision. Take the time... She didn't need time. She'd never said she wanted to be protected. She didn't want to be away from anyone. She was sure of her decision.

   As the woman stood up, Yoko took a deep, silent breath.
   -I refuse. she said clearly.
   The woman concerned seemed surprised by these words.
   -I... refuse to join the programme... Even if I'm in danger... I don't want to... I don't want to leave here, I don't want to change my identity... Even though I know I'll have to be on my guard all the time... I like it here... and I prefer to stay... I hope you understand...

   There was a moment's silence, before a smile appeared on Jinpei's face. As for the woman, she seemed a little surprised but could see that the little girl was sure of herself. And she didn't seem to want to change her decision.
    -All right, I understand. she said simply, with an air of understanding. If you change your mind...
   -I won't. cut in the girl concerned.
   -In that case... I'll leave you to it... Goodbye, then.

   Once the woman had left, the policeman moved closer to the window to smoke while his flatmate sighed, relieved. But on the other hand, a certain anger was rising inside her...

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