Chapter 63 - Let's take the time to think about it

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   Yoko sighed. Even if Conan and Ai were hiding certain information, she couldn't force them to talk. She knew she wouldn't be able to... unlike them. Perhaps she should take a leaf out of her tutor's book?

   -Right, well... If you've got nothing more to say, I think we'll be off.
   Conan stood up, the brunette surprised.
   -Wait... !
    There was a moment's silence as the young girl's gaze grew worried.
   -I was wondering... Is there any risk of the Organisation going after Matsuda-keiji? Since he confronted... Vermouth you said her name was...

   Conan and Ai exchanged glances. They had been concentrating on their comrades, but what about Jinpei?
   -They might be looking for a moment to eliminate him... The redhead replied seriously.
   -I think it was easy to find a moment to take care of him... But it'll work out fine then... And I think he's capable of defending himself, so it should be fine in the meantime. And then, if they killed a policeman, they'd be taking the risk that they'd be investigated... replied the boy.

   There was a new silence. The silence that punctuated the conversation. Conan didn't seem completely sure of what he was saying, but he wasn't wrong either.
   Jinpei was a policeman. One way or another, some policeman would want to investigate his death. Besides, he knew how to defend himself, given that he knew how to use a gun. That didn't rule out any risk, but it was always a skill to be taken.

   -Don't think that the organisation will attack a policeman... That would be underestimating them. said the redhead.
   He had just spoken without thinking. He scratched his head in embarrassment as his comrade gave him an annoyed look.
   -If I can give you any advice, don't rule out any danger. Don't think you're safe because nothing's happened to you yet... At any moment, they'll find you, and you probably won't stand a chance... Matsuda-keiji and yourself, Enoshiya-san.

   Ai's words, and the use of the name "Enoshiya", sent shivers down the spine of the concerned. She lowered her head, rubbing her arms before taking a deep breath. Finally, the young girl raised her head, holding a determined gaze.
   She was not to be discouraged by a few words, although she took them seriously. But she had made a choice, and there was no turning back. She didn't want to.
   -I don't think I'm safe... Otherwise I wouldn't be asking for your help...

   There was another silence. Conan raised an eyebrow being intrigued. At no point had her friend asked for help... Just talking.... So why talk about asking for help?
   He looked at the brown-haired girl before settling the sentence in his head, hand on his chin, while the one who had said it seemed a little afraid to finish it. Then the boy seemed to understand.
   -No, you mean... ! You don't want to...?!
   -... Stop them? Yes...

   She buried her head in her shoulders, embarrassed. She didn't seem to have the courage to say things by herself. But now she had, at least.
   These words made Ai react, and she straightened up immediately.
   -Do you realise how dangerous this is? she shouted.
   -I know ! I know, but... It's better that I try to do something rather than wait... Even if I do nothing, they'll come and find me, so do I have a choice? I'd rather take risks and get somewhere than do nothing... Yoko explained.
   -I'm not...

   -Why don't we take the time to think about it later? I think at the moment it's too early to say whether we'll accept or not... We can just talk about it later, until we've made up our minds, can't we? Cut in Conan.
   The two girls looked at him in silence before the brunette looked away, uncomfortable, while the redhead, annoyed, supported the boy's gaze, who was smiling stupidly to lighten the atmosphere.
   -Right now we'd better get back, and it's getting late... so...
   As he said this, the young detective pushed Ai towards the door, who was surprised.

   Yoko in turn moved towards the exit, more hastily.
   -But we haven't... she began.
   -We'll talk about it again, I promise... But for now, take time to assimilate the information, okay? See you tomorrow. Cut the boy with glasses.
   With these words, the two guests left and closed the front door. By doing so, they cut the conversation short, leaving no opportunity for even a little more conversation.

   The brunette, now alone, lowered her gaze. If Conan had acted like this, was it a sign that he was refusing help? Or that he was really going to think about it?
   She didn't know. She hoped he would accept, that was the only help she could see. She hadn't had time to try and convince him to accept...
   Frustrated, she went and sat down at the table, putting her head in her arms.

   -Are you going to drag her further into this, Kudo-kun?!
   Ai and Conan were walking through the streets on their way home. The redhead was still annoyed, looking at her comrade with a bored expression. The concerned one did the same.
   -Of course not... She's in enough danger as it is... It's not a good idea to get her into even more trouble...
   -She seems pretty determined though...
   -I know, I saw it! If I hadn't, do you think I'd have tried to leave?

   The boy ran his hand through his hair. He didn't know how he was going to get Yoko to give up because it was too dangerous. And above all: how could he protect her? The organisation knew now, after all.
   Continuing to think, an idea occurred to him. Something that would keep Yoko away and protect her, if she agreed. And only if she agreed, otherwise he saw no other solution.

  -I guess you've got an idea... Ai simply commented with a shrug.
   The boy began to smile a little, although it wasn't a completely confident smile.
   -I just hope it works...
   Then he turned his gaze to his classmate, who still had a bored look on her face.
   -The way you're looking at me, you've got a doubt it's going to work... Am I wrong? she asked.
   -You've got it all figured out... But for the moment, I don't see any other solution...

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