Chapter 59 - Choice

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   -Come on, finish your yoghurt...
   Jinpei had been back for a while and was forcing Yoko to eat. The latter was having trouble and was forcing herself to eat every time. But now she was obliged to finish the meal that the policeman himself had composed, which was just simple things bought at the nearest combini. Perhaps this would be easier to eat than the hospital meals...

   When the young girl thought she had finished, she put down the pot and the spoon with a sigh. Her tutor reached straight for the pot, checking that she had finished everything, before taking the spoon and scraping the bottom with a bored expression.
   -You could make an effort... I feel like I'm looking after a two-year-old... Just finish it. He grumbled
   The injured girl grimaced slightly and took the spoon that was handed to her and swallowed what was left of her yoghurt, grimacing even more. She really wasn't hungry and felt nauseous, but at least she'd finished for good.

   Jinpei got to his feet and put his chair back where it had originally been before scratching the back of his head.
   -Good, you've eaten... Now I want you to get some real sleep. If you can't because you're freaking out, send me a message, okay? And don't you dare tell me you're going to disturb me.
   -Y... Yes...
   He left the room, closing the door tightly. He wasn't going to sleep just in case.

   Once alone, Yoko lay down, turning towards the door. She pulled her blanket up to her face. Her eyes were burning from crying and she wondered if she would ever sleep.
   As she tried to sleep, her mind began to drift. She thought back to her guardian's words.

   No, he wasn't just right on a few points in everything he'd said. He was right about everything. She could never have foreseen everything that was going to happen. But on the other hand, she could just as easily have prevented it, if only by contacting the police. But who knows if that would have prevented anything.
   Also, Akihiko and Yosuke... Did they really hate her? Akihiko, no. That much was certain. She'd already caused him a few problems in the past, not least the day she'd lost an object belonging to the boy's father. But Yosuke... He'd be capable of doing her head in at the very least.

   What was she supposed to do? If she wasn't going to ruin her life... By doing so, she was worrying Jinpei more than anything else. And she didn't want to. But she didn't know what to do. She couldn't just forget and live in peace, even if living in peace had proved impossible since she could be found at any time from now on. The ideal situation would be not to be found, or for Gin, Vodka and everyone else in their camps to be arrested...
   That they were arrested... Maybe that was the solution. That these people be locked up behind bars. Then there would be no more problems. It was the only way to live in peace. And she could count on her guardian.

   But what if he was injured? Maybe he wouldn't mind, but Yoko couldn't bear that. Even without trying to stop the men in black, the policeman could still get hurt. It would therefore be more useful to arrest these people, even if it meant going back to hospital. And even if he was injured, there would certainly be some progress. It would certainly be more useful and advantageous for everyone.

   The sun streaming through the windows woke Yoko, who struggled to open her eyes. She couldn't remember when she had fallen asleep. She just knew that she had been thinking and had come to a conclusion.
   -I see you managed to get some sleep.
   The young girl turned her head towards Jinpei, unsurprised by his presence.
   -Hello Matsuda-keiji... she greeted with a yawn. How long have I been asleep...?
   -More than two hours, I'm sure. If not, it's up to you to tell me...
   The woman concerned shook her head gently to indicate that she didn't know when she had fallen asleep. She was still tired, but it was better than yesterday.

   The young girl took some time to wake up before remembering that she had to talk to her tutor.
   -Ah, can I talk to you about something ? She asked.
   -Yeah, you don't need to ask me...
   He yawned as he picked up his chair again and sat down, putting the backrest in front of him to lean on.
   -What's up? he said simply.

   The former schoolgirl took a deep breath to prepare herself to say everything without hesitation.
   -Last night I... Last night, after you left, I did a lot of thinking... Up until now I've tried to have a quiet life, but the problem is that it's impossible because I can be found at any time. So I've been thinking about a solution to...
   -Well, will you stop beating about the bush? Sighed the man.
   -Ah huh... Yes... I want to stop Gin, Vodka and the woman... It's the only solution I've come up with... And I've obviously thought of... a majority of the danger... But, um...

   There was a moment's silence when Yoko dreaded what Jinpei was going to say. She tried to show him a determined expression, to persuade him.
   As for the man, he was a little doubtful. He knew it was dangerous, but it also seemed to be the best thing to do so as not to be in danger all the time if the danger wasn't stopped.
   -OK, if that's what you want.

   The little girl blinked several times in surprise.
   -I just don't want you to do anything stupid so that you don't die, eh? You warn me and tell me all the information you manage to get. The kid with the glasses must have more than you got when you spoke the other time. he says.
   -Y... Yes !

   For the first time in more than a week, a real smile, albeit a shy one, appeared on the former schoolgirl's face.
   -But first you'd better get your strength back, otherwise we'll do nothing, is that clear?

   Although she was afraid, she was going to do something to improve her situation and avenge, in her own way, those who had died because of her. She wasn't going to stand by and do nothing any more, because that was pointless and wouldn't prevent any misfortune.

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