Chapter 42 - Kamen Yaiba

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-Your house is nice, Mitsuhiko-kun. Complimented Yoko drinking her glass of juice.
Following a request, the boy with freckles had invited her to his home. The girl asked where she could watch Kamen Yaiba, seeing which she said she would watch. Her comrade had therefore brought him home to lend her the DVD's he had.

-Otherwise, when will I return your DVD's? she asked between sips.
-You can take your time. replied his friend
-Ok thank you !
The former high school girl smiled at him before taking the boxes from the table and putting them in her bag. She would look at them on her way home.

-Well, I won't bother you any longer. Thank you again for your welcome. Announced Yoko once she had finished putting away her comrade's belongings.
-You don't bother me. Do you want me to walk you to school? Mitsuhiko offered.
The concerned took the time to reflect. She couldn't refuse, since she didn't really know the way back to where she was now. So she nodded before picking up her things and heading towards the entrance of the house.

Once the shoes are on, the two children leave the house. They walked towards the school while chatting a bit. It was especially the boy who explained that Kamen Yaiba was good.
Arrived in front of the school, they stopped.
-See you tomorrow. Greeted Mitsuhiko
- Yeah, see you tomorrow.
The two went each in their direction, leaving Yoko alone. The latter was content to take her usual path.

The girl with the glasses turned around, staring around. A shiver ran through her. She had felt observed. But, apart from the passers-by, there was no one.
- I must have been dreaming...
She looked around one last time before shaking her head. Surely someone who had observed her briefly to avoid her. She was on the street, after all.

So she resumed her way, unconsciously at a faster pace than just before. Deep down, she didn't feel comfortable. Getting back as soon as possible was best.

Yoko arrived at Jinpei, her home, and locked the door. She felt better than in the street, although the feeling of being watched had disappeared for a while.
She sighed in relief before taking off her shoes to put on her slippers. The policeman was still at work, the house being completely dark.
-...I'm going to pass the time...
The young girl put her bag on the sofa and took out the Kamen Yaiba DVD's that Mitsuhiko had lent her. She put one in the DVD player and settled on the couch.

The episode started. It was about Kamen Yaiba, or rather Shirogane Raiha of his true identity, who was at the park with his childhood friend
Natsume Rei. But he had to leave because of an alien attack. He therefore took on his hero identity to fight them before returning to his friend.

It was clearly for children. But, it was not unpleasant to watch. And that took up time. Yoko looked at another episode. And yet another before taking a pause to grab a little something to eat and drink. And she got back in front of the TV to continue watching.

She enjoyed the episode where the female spy renounced the evil organization she was part of and confessed her feelings to Kamen Yaiba. It was rather interesting.

She jumped when she heard the sound of a door. Jinpei arrived in the living room and looked at Yoko, surprised to see her in front of the TV, which had rarely happened.
-Since when do you watch TV? he asked.
-M... Matsuda-keiji...! I'm going to prepare the meal!
She hurriedly turned off the TV and put away the DVD's. Apparently, she couldn't assume to watch something intended for children.
-What were you looking at? He asked.
-N... Nothing.

Unfortunately for the girl, he had spotted what it was and a mocking smile appeared on his face. But he decided not to say anything. Especially since he hadn't had time since his roommate had gone to her room.

Once inside, the kid leaned against the door and sighed. She felt ridiculous to have reacted as she had just done for not much. There was nothing wrong with watching something aimed at children. Some adults did. But she wasn't used to it.
In any case, Kamen Yaiba was not unpleasant to watch. She would continue in case of boredom. It passed the time and changed the ideas.

Yoko realized that it had really changed her mind. She had forgotten what had happened to her on the street.
- Should I...
She hesitated to talk about it with the policeman. She wasn't even sure if anyone was really watching her or not. It was just an impression she had felt.

She took a deep breath and left the room once her decision was made. She wasn't going to talk about it right now. She would only do it if it happened again.

The meal was quickly ready. It was a simple omelette. While Yoko was preparing it, she asked Jinpei to set the table to save time. And so that's what he had done. Then the two sat down to eat.
- So, how do you watch children's series? Asked the policeman.
-Eh ?!
Surprised, the little girl choked. She took her drink to feel better before looking at the man.
-You saw ?
-A little.
-Mmh... It was Genta-kun, Mitsuhiko-kun and Ayumi-chan who made me...
- No need to lie to me.
-I can't hide anything from you...

A smirk appeared on Jinpei's face again. She was quite expressive, so it was easy to tell if she was lying or not. It was the same when there was something bothering her: it was all on her face.

- Well, okay, I wanted to look for myself. It intrigued me a little... And I admit that it's not bad... Finally admits the kid with the glasses.
-Y'know, there's nothing wrong with liking that kind of thing, especially for a kid.
-You who are the first to treat me like a big...
She couldn't help but pout a little while finishing her plate. Afterwards, it was true that she was entitled to appreciate something intended for children, even when she was older. Anyway, now she was just a kid.

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