Chapter 21 - A different wind

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Yoko was the first of the Detective Boys group to arrive. She settled into her seat before pulling out several piles of photos from her bag. Finally, she crossed her arms on the table and put her head inside.

Her comrades arrived quickly. Ayumi and Mitsuhiko exchanged a slightly worried look seeing their friend's position. Had she already lost her smile.
The girl in the headband approached the brunette with long hair.
- Yoko-chan...? she called softly.
The concerned straightened up and stretched.
-Sorry, I fell asleep waiting for you...
She smiled to reassure everyone.

Once the group was installed in their place, the former high school girl got up and took the piles of photos.
- I developed them as promised. She says.
The day before, at the mall, she had found a place to develop the photos and had taken the opportunity to do so. It had cost Jinpei some money.
She walked between the tables to give the photos. Everyone looked happy as they looked at their gifts.
-That's wonderful ! Complimented Ayumi.
-You almost only took Genta who eats! Laugh Mitsuhiko seeing the photos of the bulk of the group.
-It's more fun to take pictures when the person least expects it! Justified the girl with tied hair.
-It's true that we don't necessarily look at the lens... You wanted to do something more natural by fixing a random moment, right? Conan asked when he received his.
His comrade nodded.

-Sorry A... A... Haibara-san. You are the one with the fewest photos.
Yoko scratched behind her head, embarrassed. Embarrassed that I didn't take less pictures of Ai. Embarrassed to speak to her so suddenly when she had never really spoken to her before.
She would have liked to call her by her first name like the others, but she didn't know why, she couldn't. Perhaps due to her more mature behavior. Thinking about it, it was strange that she acted like that.
On the other hand, if she called her by her last name, it was certainly due to the fact that the others always called her that.
-I hope it doesn't bother... She added.
-No thanks. Answered the redhead.

Right after this distribution, Kobayashi entered the class. Everyone took their places.
Then the end of the day came.

The Detective Boys group was chatting quietly. They stopped when they saw the brunette following them.
-Eh... ? You're not coming in Yoko-chan? Ayumi asked.
The person concerned shook her head.
-I would like to go somewhere and I wanted to ask you... Do you know a place where I could pick flowers...?
There was a moment of silence. It was the girl in the headband who spoke again.
-I think there are some in Beika Park.
- Wouldn't it be easier to go to a florist? Genta asked.
-It's that... I... I don't have any money infact...
- We will pay you then! Mitsuhiko replied.
- Nah, I'll manage, don't worry... Good... See you tomorrow!
She ran away without anyone being able to say anything.

After picking some flowers at Beika Park, Yoko inquired about finding a certain neighborhood. It was not easy to reach it. Some people didn't necessarily show her the right way, others didn't know. And she had to be finally accompanied by a passer-by until she recognized the place.

Once there, the girl immediately went to her old place of life. It was still just a pile of rubble, although gathered on the plot where the restaurant had previously stood.
She remained silent, feeling the wind blow. She also had a smile.
-I passed, Yosuke, Akahara-san, Asahi-san...
She placed a few flowers on the ground before putting her locks behind her ears so as not to be bothered by the wind.
-Sorry for not coming sooner... I didn't dare come... I didn't dare ask to come... And also, sorry... It's my fault if...
She didn't finish her sentence. It hurt her to come back to these places. But she kept her smile.
-I hope you don't mind me... I'm going to leave it for today, but I'll come back, I promise!

After a moment of silence, she began to walk away. She turned around, looking at her old house, before heading somewhere else.

-...Sorry for not being so past sooner...
The former high school student was in front of a grave. On it was inscribed the name of Fujiwara Akihiko. She who still had a faint glow that he was alive...
- Is it also my fault...?
She put down the flowers she had left and gazed at the grave, always with a smile, always with the same wind.
-You know... I've met people like you... Who just wanted to see me smile...
She felt tears flow.
-Aaah...! You'd call me a fool if you saw me cry, right?
She let out a slightly forced laugh before remaining silent.
-I'll go, but I promise to come back... And sorry again...
She started to move forward before stopping and turning around.
- By the way... Now my name is Tomura Yoko...! I forgot to tell Yosuke... so... If you could pass the message on to him...
After that, she walked away for good, not without looking back.

The young girl was finally able to return. She had to walk all the way, still asking where to go. By this fact, it was already quite late.
-It's me ! she said after seeing Jinpei's shoes.
She took hers off and walked into the living room.
-I was wondering where you had been. Yawned the policeman.
-Sorry ! I had something to do...I'm going to heat up the rest of the curry!
She walked into the kitchen and climbed onto a chair. She had the meal warmed up and then set the table.

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