Chapter 14 - Camping ?

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School was finally over. "Yoko" yawned, tired despite having slept that morning. Her memories had not helped her to rest.

It was snowing outside. The girl had noticed it when she was looking out the window.
- By the way, are you better? Ayumi asked her two friends.
Neither of them looked cheerful; the two nodded slightly.
-I'll go... she began.
-See you tomorrow ! Greeted most of the children in the group.
Only the redhead hadn't said much. She and the long-haired brunette hadn't really spoken, they weren't really close. But the former high school student couldn't help but wonder what she had today.

- See you tomorrow... Said the young girl before walking away.
She couldn't help but look back briefly before moving forward.
These children were like Akihiko, but without being so. After all, right now, everything looked the same while being different. "Yoko" was a child again, having lost her parents, her smile, and being mostly alone.
Yes, the past and the present were the same. The same situation.

On returning, the brunette immediately went into the room that served as her bedroom.. She took off her jacket and sweater, finding herself short-sleeved, and fell on her bed. She was hungry, having not eaten much at noon, but was also tired. She didn't know what to do between sleeping or waiting for Jinpei to eat.
Sleep took over.

The policeman had just come in, yawning. He took off his shoes before walk ming forward.
-... Mmm?
He was surprised when he didn't see the door to the room of the kid he was guarding open. Usually, "Yoko" always checked if it was the man who came in and not a stranger. She must have feared that it was these two mysterious men in black who arrived.

Jinpei therefore approached the room she occupied, and saw the latter asleep on her bed.
-She won't eat I think...
He was about to close the door, but stopped. He looked at the former high school girl, before entering the room and putting on the vest she wore when she went out in order to put it on her back. It was better that she didn't get sick.

He was not against helping "Yoko", or rather, Enoshiya Kyoka. Her story was certainly strange, very strange. Hardly believable, but she wasn't lying. Unfortunately, she hadn't given enough clues about who these men were and what substance she had taken. And she didn't seem to know any more.
The policeman finally moved to the window to smoke.

-At camping ? Yoko asked. Still ?
Almost a week had passed since her dream, since Jinpei knew about her identity. She was still worried about it. Speaking of worry, the one she had for Ai had been dispelled. Conan had explained that she had fallen ill.
-Yes ! Confirmed Ayumi.
"Yoko" looked at the group of children, not really reassured. It showed on her face.
-Don't worry ! This time, we'll check that Agasa-hakase hasn't forgotten anything! Mitsuhiko reassured.
-You will come ? Asked the girl in the headband.

The girl wasn't sure. She still had a bitter taste of what had happened a few weeks earlier. But maybe this time it would be different?
- I... I will come... When is it? She finally accepted.
Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko looked at each other with a smile.
- It will be this weekend! Finally said the bulk of the group.
-It will be fun this time! Promise! Added the brunette with short hair.
- Haibara-san, will you come too? asked the freckled boy.
-I have no choice anyway. Sighed the concerned.
The day therefore ended in a good mood for the trio.

The former high school student greeted her comrades and left in her direction, in order to take transport to reach where she lived.
She was going to have to ask Matsuda if he would agree to let her spend another weekend with her comrades. On the one hand she felt he wasn't going to refuse, since he knew she was originally in high school, but she preferred to ask.

After walking for a few minutes, she stopped. She sighed. She had to stop overthinking all the time, even if it wasn't easy.

Agasa had just finished setting up the tent in which they were going to spend the night. He was quite proud of himself. He hadn't forgotten it this time.
-I'll take care of lighting the fire with Ai-kun! You guys go get something to feed it in the forest, he ordered.
They all nodded and headed off into the forest.

"Yoko" had followed her comrades, having no real choice. She was at least reassured not to see this mysterious castle again.
Picking up the branches wasn't the hardest thing to do. Moreover, the good mood of the children was not unpleasant. Even more enjoyable, being in nature. Faced with this, she couldn't help but let out a slight smile.

-Oe! That should be enough! Let's hurry back! Ended up casting Conan.
As everyone started to walk back to the boy with the glasses, Mitsuhiko's voice rang out.
-You others ! Come take a look around here!

Curious, the group approached where their comrade's voice was coming from.
-What ? Is it just a cave? Conan sighed.
Indeed, the boy with the freckles had made them come in front of a cave, from where one could smell a fresh air. There were wires in front to prevent passing and a sign where Ayumi read that it was not necessary to return because it was dangerous.

- That's what intrigues me! Check out what is written on this rock! Mitsuhiko explained pointing to a rock with engravings.
-...Follow the way of the dragon and you will be enlightened by the lights of the supreme paradise... read the kid with glasses.
"Yoko" was surprised. He could read Kanji without real difficulty, although they weren't the easiest.
-The light of the supreme paradise? Genta repeated.
-It is the ultimate light of happiness! Explained his friend.
-But it may be... Started the little girl with the headband.
-A treasure ! The three exclaimed at the same time.
The brunette with the tied-back hair shivered. If this rock was really talking about treasure, it had to be in this cave. And that didn't really thrill her.

-The problem is this "To" which is engraved roughly on the stone... Conan continued. The buried treasure of the Tokugawa... He said to laugh while his three comrades reflected.
Facing his words, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko had their gazes that gleamed and entered the cave, dragging "Yoko" down.

-It is a huge mine! Admired the bulk of the group.
-It's a limestone cave, Genta-kun! Corrected his comrade.
"Yoko" sighed silently and looked around. The coolness made her shiver.

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