Chapter 33: Goodbye, Buckbeak

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"Mina!" Harry comes running down the Great Hall, screaming my name

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"Mina!" Harry comes running down the Great Hall, screaming my name. He arrives at the Slytherin table and pulls me to my feet. "You have to come with me!" He says to me, anxiously.

"What? Where are we going?" I say, asking him. He doesn't say anything to me, so he just pulls me with him. I glance behind me at Beth, Theo, and Blaise, letting them know that I'll be back. They just smile at me, so grimly. Harry pulls me all the way down to Hagrid's hut. We arrive at the door. Before we go in, I stop and fold my arms.

"Will you please tell me what we're for?" I say, asking him. He looks at me, almost pityingly.

"You'll see." He says to me as I push the door open and I am shocked to see Hagrid in tears.

"Hagrid!" I say, running towards him. "What happened?" Ron and Hermione start explaining what happened. When they're finished, I'm shocked.

"What? Lucius Malfoy has sentenced Buckbeak to death?! Why that little—" I started to say, so angrily.

"Mina!" says Hermione, scolding me as I huff in anger.

"It was all Draco's fault! Hagrid says not to insult a Hippogriff, so what does that idiot do? He insults one! Now, he's blaming it on Buckbeak?! That's just..." I say, so speechless as I scoff again. "I can't believe him!" Harry puts a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off and walk outside. Buckbeak is sitting in the shade of a willow tree. I smile sadly and head over to him. I bow low and he bows back. I smile and go over to stroke his beak.

"Oh, you're so beautiful, aren't you, Beaky?" I whispered to him, while stroking him. He nudges against me. I sigh. Oh, he really doesn't deserve this.

"Mina..." A voice says behind me. I tense up. Draco. No way. He can't be here. I place a hand on Buckbeak's beak.

"Go away!" I say, so slowly. He takes a step towards me. Suddenly, Buckbeak rears up. I step backwards.

"Woah! Beaky! Calm down! Draco, step back!" I say, yelling at him. He does as he's told and I raise my hands to calm Buckbeak down. He calms down and I pat his beak.

"Shh, shh, it's ok. It's ok." I soothe him. He calms right down. Thank goodness. I turn to Draco.

"Come to kill me, have you? Sentence someone else to death?" I said, so spitefully. He looks shocked.

"Look, I didn't mean for this to happen. My dad... he..." He begins to say to me. I frown.

"It seems to me that I'm the only person you actually apologize to. That I'm the only person that cares about what they think. That if I think you've done something wrong, you try to fix it. But you don't care about anyone else. You don't care about their feelings. About what they think. You don't care about what you do to them, how you hurt them, as long as I don't see it. Well, I'd just like to let you know that I really hate people like that." I say, turning to Buckbeak.

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