Chapter 25: Leaving Home

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Ugh ! Ow

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Ugh ! Ow. Ow ! Why does my head hurt so much ?! I slightly open my eyes and let out a small groan.

"Mina !" Someone shouts, flinging their arms around me. Beth. I sit up and hug her back, groaning again and rubbing my head. It hurts so badly !

"Sorry." She says, letting go. "Too loud." She looks so happy to see me awake. Suddenly, I'm embraced by another person. Harry. I smile and ruffle his hair, sitting up properly now.

"I'm alright, big bro." I say, while my voice is croaky. He beams at me. Huh ? Did I do something ? I look around at all the faces. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Beth, Theo, Blaise, and Draco. I frown, looking at him. Why is he here ?! And more importantly, why are the others putting up with him ? Ron noticed me looking and scowled at him, too.

"We've told him to leave. Said that you wouldn't want him here. But he stayed." Ron says, so spitefully. To my surprise, Draco doesn't retort. I sigh. Then, I turn to Hermione.

"Are you alright, Mione ?!" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I woke up this morning." She says. "You're the last to wake." I stare. Really ? The last one to wake up ?

"How long was I out for ?" I asked them.

"Two and a half months." Theo replied. I smirk at him.

"Missed me, huh ?" I say, teasing him. He grins and nods.

"Definitely." He replies. I chuckle and punch him, so playfully, on the arm. Madam Pomfrey comes bustling into the room.

"Let the poor girl breathe ! Out, out !" She yells. When none of us move, she sighs.

"Oh, alright. Not all of you have to go. But at least, three of you do !" She says. Hermione smiles at me and leaves with Ron. "Come on ! At least, one more !" Madam Pomfrey says. I look down while everyone else glares at Draco. He folds his arms, not moving. Finally, Blaise stands up.

"I'll see you guys back in the common room." He says, and leaves. Madam Pomfrey leaves, so satisfied with that.

"Why are you still here, Malfoy ?" Theo says. "You should've left instead of Blaise. He's her friend, unlike you." I place my hand on Theo's arm, stopping him from talking. The last thing that we don't need is a fight. Harry's glaring at Draco, too. I sigh.

"Did you want to say something, Malfoy ? Because I do suggest you leave if not. These two look like they're about to kill you." I say, gesturing to my brother and friend. Draco looks at me.

"Yeah, I did want to tell you something." He says. Before I can reply, Theo butts in.

"Whatever you're gonna say to her, you can say to us all." He says, so firmly. I'm actually grateful. I don't really want to leave my bed. Draco sighs, knowing it's no use to fight.

"I just wanted to say sorry." He says. I stare at him. So do Beth, Harry, and Theo.

"What ?!" Harry splutters.

"I wanted to say sorry. For being a stuck up idiot. For only caring about myself. For treating your friends, so horribly. For treating you horribly. For acting like I'm the most important person in the world. For thinking that I can get away with something as wrong as that." He says. I stare at him. Then, I frown.

"That's what you said last time. How can I be sure that you're not just come back next year and be a git again ?" I asked him. He sighs.

"I probably will. And that's the problem. I try to be decent, but it sort of just slips out wrong. And especially to people that I've been brought up to hate." He says, looking down. I slightly smile at him.

"Thanks, Draco." I say. He smiles and looks up at me. "This doesn't mean we're friends." I say, so quickly. He nods, and leaves.

"Bye, Mina." He says. Everyone stares at me.

"You know, I think that's the first I've heard him apologize to anyone." Beth says. I smile. The boys just stare at me.

"What was that about ?" said Harry, asking me. I frown.

"What do you mean ? You saw the whole thing." I replied. Harry stares at me and shakes his head.

"You're so naive." He says and leaves the room. I stare. Huh ? Naive ? What does he mean ? Beth and Theo exchange a glance. I frown, folding my arms. Obviously, I'm missing something here.

"What ?" I asked them. Beth slightly giggles.

"Well, it's obviously, isn't it ? Draco likes you !" She says. I stare at her in shock. Then, I burst out, laughing.

"Ah, sure, he does." I say. Theo looks at me, so strangely. I wonder what that's about. Anyway, I wanna know what happened after I got petrified.

Wow, I'm in shock. It was Voldemort that opened the chamber, but he acted through Ginny. Harry and Ron also found the entrance to the chamber after Ginny was taken down there. They saved her, killed the basilisk and the memory version of Voldemort. I stare in shock.

"So, I haven't missed much then." I finally manage to say after they've told me. They both smile.

"No, nothing." They reply. I smile.

I board the train, sitting with the trio and my famous four. We're talking and laughing the whole time. I'm gradually getting sadder. I look at Harry and know that he's thinking the same thing. We're heading back towards the Dursleys. Yay. Ron sees our expressions.

"You can come stay with me, if you like. I'm sure that Fred and George would love your company, Mina." Ron says, winking at me. I chuckle and Theo narrows his eyes. Jeez, what's his problem ?

"Thanks for the offer, Ron, but I seriously doubt that our aunt and uncle will let us. Especially after what happened last holiday." I say, shuddering. Harry puts his hand on my shoulder and Ron nods.

The train arrives at the station. I hug Ron and Hermione goodbye. I then turn to my famous four. I broadly smile and run to them, engulfing them all in a massive group hug. They laugh and hug me back.

"Make sure to write this summer, ok ?" Theo says.

"Yes, if you don't, we'll come and get you straight away." Beth says. I chuckle, ruffling each of their hair in turn.

"I definitely will." I reply, and then turn to Harry. He smiles at me and I link arms with him, heading towards the Dursleys.

"Come ! Potters !" Uncle Vernon calls. I smile, so wryly, and glance back at my friends. They frown at Uncle Vernon, so worriedly. I chuckle as Harry and I make our way away from Hogwarts. Away from home.

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