Chapter 14: The Aftermath

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Ugh, I feel like a piece of crap

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Ugh, I feel like a piece of crap. I slowly open my eyes to see heaps of people crowding my bed. I recognize Harry, Ron, Hermione, Theo, Blaise, Beth, and Draco. Dumbledore is also there as well.

"Mina !" Harry screams and hugs me tightly. I grimace and sit up to hug him. I rub my head. It hurts.

"Sorry, too loud." said Harry, letting go of me. Then, it's Beth's turn. She squeezes me tightly.

"Thank goodness, you're ok." She whispers to me. I look at her closely and see red rims around her eyes. Has she been crying ? I smile.

"Hey, I told you not to worry about me, remember ? I can take care of myself." I say. Beth smiles, but Harry scoffs.

"Yeah, of course, you can ! Especially when you're bound tightly and can barely breathe ! Look at the burns on your neck !" He says. I smile at him.

"I'm fine, big bro." I said, running my hands over my neck. There are rope burns there. Ouch. Quirrell must have bound me tightly ! Harry smiles. Draco just stares at me in awe.

"How did you do it ?" He said, asking me. I frown.

"What do you mean ?" I ask him before Harry can argue and they get into another fight.

"I mean, how did you actually survive ?" He said, asking me. I chuckle.

"You know what ? I think the only reason I'm actually alive is because Quirrell knocked me out ! Otherwise, I would have suffocated !" I said, so lightly. However, my tone of voice doesn't soften what I've just said. Everyone stares at me in horror. Dumbledore smiles.

"Now, everyone; I think Mr. and Miss Potter need some rest. Please leave them in peace." He orders, so kindly. Everyone obeys and Beth gives me another hug. Harry goes back to lie down on his bed.

"Now, Cosmina." said Dumbledore. I cut him off.

"Mina." I say. He smiles.

"Very well. Mina, I think you are quite curious as to what happened after you got knocked out. And since your brother was down there and I wasn't, I'll leave him to explain it. Good day." said Dumbledore, exiting the room.

I look at Harry, so expectantly. He smiles and explains everything. About how Voldemort was on the back of Quirrell's head. How he got the stone from the mirror. How Dumbledore returned from the Ministry and how he destroyed Quirrell with his hands alone. I stare and listen as he explains everything. I smirk at him.

"And that's why you're famous." I said, teasing him. He smiles at me and I hug him tightly. "I'm so proud of you, Harry." I said, so quietly. He just hugs me tighter.

At the end of year feast, everyone is talking about what happened down in the trapdoor. I'm not sure whether I like the attention or not. I'm leaning towards the latter. I mean, it's nice, but I already was famous beforehand. Now, it's just an overload.

The hall is decorated in Slytherin colors. After all, we have won the house cup ! I'm happy and I am celebrating with my friends. We eat, and then Dumbledore tells us to be quiet.

"Now ! Another year has come and gone ! And the house cup needs to be awarded !" A cheer erupts from the Slytherin table. "Yes, well done, Slytherin, well done. However, I have a few last minute points that need awarding. So far, the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor, with 472 points. In third place, Hufflepuff, with 503 points. In second place, Ravenclaw, with 514 points. And in first place, Slytherin, with 522 points. But I would like to first award 50 points to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen, these many years." said Dumbledore. I clap and cheer for Ron.

"Second, to Miss Bethany Saunders ! I award 50 points for good use of flying when things got tough." I hug Beth so tightly as the Slytherin table erupts into cheers again.

"Third, to Miss Hermione Granger. For great knowledge on Herbology, and saving students' lives, I award 50 points." I cheer as Hermione blushes bright red.

"Fourth, to Miss Cosmina Potter, excuse me... Mina Potter." He says, winking at me. I smile and blush. "For cool use of intellect and incredible logic, I award 60 points." My eyes opened wide as my friends rushed up to hug me. The table is cheering again.

"And now, to Mr. Harry Potter, for ending the reign of evil once more, I award you 60 points !" I cheer for my brother.

"We're tied with Gryffindor !" I whisper to Beth, Theo, Blaise, and Draco. They all look at me, so excitedly. We could still win this !

"And finally, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to your enemies, but just as much to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Mr. Neville Longbottom !" said Dumbledore. "So, if my calculations are correct, Gryffindor wins the house cup !"

A sound louder than a cannon going off sounds from the hall. Beth and I jump up and run to the Gryffindor table, cheering for them and patting them all on the back. I find Harry and hug him. He spins me around as I smile at him.

"Well done !" I yell over the noise. He yells something back, but I don't quite catch it. I think it was "you too". Suddenly, I'm lifted up by the waist and hoisted up onto someone's shoulders. Or maybe two people. I look down and smile at Fred and George as they prance me around the hall. I laugh and cheer.

"Well done, Cosmic !" said the twins, chanting so loudly. I see Neville looking at me. I smile and give him a big thumbs up. He blushes and smiles at me. I laugh, enjoying the celebrations. What a good end to the year !

On the train back home, I sit with Beth and the trio. All of us are talking about our many adventures this year. I wonder if next year will be as exciting. I sort of hope so, but at the same time, I don't. Get what I mean ?

Then, the compartment door opens. It's Draco. Harry and Ron glare at him.

"Mina." said Draco. I sigh and stand up.

"Wait a second !" said Harry, grabbing my waist and standing up too. "You can't just walk out with him ! He'll probably hex you or something !" I laugh.

"Yeah, because after facing all those life or death challenges down the trapdoor, Draco will be so hard to handle." I said, so sarcastically. Harry smiles and lets go of my hand.

"Ok, fine. But if anything happens, I'll kill you, Malfoy !" He says, threatening him. I just roll my eyes. Geez, he just wants to tell me something ! I mean, brothers these days, am. I right ?! I walk out of the compartment and shut the door behind me.

"Sorry about Harry." I said, so apologetically. "He's a little overprotective." Draco smiles.

"I saw." He says. "Anyway, I just wanted to say goodbye. Well, and ask you to write ?" I smile.

"Sure. If the muggles don't kill me first." I said, teasing him. He smiles at me again.

"You know, you can always threaten them with magic." He says, with his eyes twinkling so brightly. I frown.

"But we're not allowed to use magic outside of school. You know that." I said, so sadly. He nods slowly.

"Yes, I do, but they don't." He says as I open my eyes wide. Wow ! I laugh.

"Of course ! Why didn't I think of that ? Thanks, Draco." I said, giving a quick hug goodbye. Then, I go back into the compartment. I'm immediately bombarded with questions.

"What did he want ?" Harry says, talking to me. I roll my eyes.

"Geez, calm down, big bro. He just wanted to say goodbye. And to tell me to threaten Dudley with magic." I said, smiling so happily. Harry frowns, but then, it dawns on him. His eyes twinkle and I smile. Oh, we're going to have some fun this summer !

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