Chapter 22: Polyjuice Potion

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The trio came to visit me quite a bit, updating me on what happened after I left the dueling club

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The trio came to visit me quite a bit, updating me on what happened after I left the dueling club. Apparently, Harry and Draco were forced to duel, and Draco produced a snake out from the tip of his wand. Harry saw that the snake was heading for Justin, so he spoke to it in Parseltonhue to try to get it to stop. But to everyone else, it looked like he was egging the snake on it or something. Now, everyone thinks that Harry is the heir of Slytherin, which is absolutely ridiculous.

They also kept me updated on the potion. Apparently, it's coming along nicely and it will be ready during the Christmas holidays. I smile. Good. Then, I can actually read the book ! My brother shakes his head at me when I say that. I chuckle.

The rest of the famous four also visit me as well. They gave me homework and kept me updated on classes. Theo goes on this massive rant about how he put Pansy in her place, yelling at her in the common room. I smile slightly as he's talking. He's so sweet ! Beth tells me her version of what happened at the dueling club, and she also thinks that it's ridiculous that Harry is the heir.

I'm only in the hospital wing for a night and a day, but it feels like forever. You know that I'm impatient.

When I finally get out of the hospital wing, and back in the common room, my side and my neck feel so much better, and everyone seems so happy to see me. Everyone, except Pansy, that is. She just glares at me from across the room. Surprisingly, she's not with Draco. He must've dumped her. Good. She's a prat. Well, he is a pray as well, so they could work well. Haha ! I'm such a Slytherin sometimes !

The Christmas holidays finally arrive and Hermione declares that potion is ready. Yay ! I'm actually really excited. I mean, of course, I'm not the one drinking it, but I'm still excited. Me and Beth are in the bathroom with them when they take it and we hear gagging sounds. I looked at Beth with my eyes wide. Gosh, it must not taste good !

Harry comes out first as Goyle. I stared at him.

"You almost look worse than Dudley !" I exclaim. He laughs and his voice comes out just like Goyle's. I stare at him even more. Then, Ron comes out of the bathroom as Crabbe. I stare at him too.

"Wow ! You two look just like the boulders !" I said.

"Boulders ?" Ron asks me. I nodded.

"That's what I call Crabbe and Goyle. Just like I call Dudley the pig." I said. My friends nod in understanding.

"Come on, Mione !" said Beth.

"Umm, I think I'll stay here !" Hermione says in a high pitched voice.

"Hermione—" Ron begins to say.

"No ! You're wasting time ! Just go !" Hermione says.

"I'll stay. You go." Beth says. I nod and lead the boys out of the room.

"Ron, you have to hunch your shoulders over more. Harry, you need to take your glasses off. Both of you need to act really dumb and like you don't know what to do, which you don't, so that's good. Also—" I start saying. Then, an annoying voice cuts me off.

"Crabbe ! Goyle ! Have you been pigging out in the Great Hall all this time ?" The blonde prat says, coming up behind us. I huff and fold my arms. Draco sees me and stares in shock.

"Mina, what are you doi—" He begins to say.

"And the sound of that annoying voice is my cue to go." I say, rolling my eyes. "Good luck with that, you boulders." I say, gesturing to Draco with a nod of my head. Ron sniggers. I wink and walk away. I decided to head back to the bathroom.

"I'm back, guys." I say, upon entering. "You ok, Mione ?" I asked her. Beth comes up to me and whispers into my ear.

"She got turned into a partial cat. Polyjuice potion isn't designed for—" She starts to say. I cut her off.

"Animal transformations." I finished her sentence. I walked over to the cubicle that Hermione's in and opened the door. I'm actually quite shocked at what I see. Hermione has turned into a partial cat. Her face is covered in dark brown fur and her eyes are wide and yellow. She also has a tail. I smile.

"Cool tail." I say. She smiles a little, but then goes back to being upset.

"Look at my face." She says. I smile, so sadly.

"Come on, let's get you to Madam Pomfrey. She never asks too many questions, anyway." I say, so gently. Hermione nods. Beth and I escort her to the hospital wing. When we get there, Madam Pomfrey starts treating Hermione right away, while I go back down to the bathroom to collect the boys.

When I arrive, they're already back to their normal selves. They turn to me as I enter.

"Where have the others gone ?" Ron asked me. I sigh.

"Hermione's in the hospital wing. You guys should probably change back into your Gryffindor robes, and then, we can go see her." I say. The boys nod.

We got to the hospital wing and they looked at Hermione.

"Are you okay ?" Harry asked her. Hermione stiffly nods at him.

"Yes, although it's a shame that I won't be able to go to classes. You will bring my homework to me, won't you ?" She asked them. They nod.

"Sure. Although, I don't understand why you'd want to do work." said Ron. Hermione huffs.

"Maybe because I actually want to do well in school." said Hermione, so sarcastically. I smile. This is the first time that my Mione has been sarcastic. Ahh, she learns from the best !

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